20 Short Scary Stories You Should Never Read In The Dark Alone

"Daddy, check for monsters under my bed"

  • Published in Weird
20 Short Scary Stories You Should Never Read In The Dark Alone

After a long, stressful day, you would want to unwind with a good movie and some good meal. Then there are others who would go for ghost stories, scary movies, or true-crime TV series and they see as excellent ways to relax.

Actually, a lot of individuals enjoy watching scary films. What makes exposure to horrific acts so compelling is experiencing the stimulation that results from them.

The scariest events and situations are those that occur in real life, even though many of the horror stories depicted in horror films are based on works of fiction. Even the most ardent adrenaline addicts would find these spine-tingling.

Although not impossible, real-life horror stories are hardly featured in the media. Once they do, though, people remember and talk about them for a very long time after hearing about them.

Fear does not have to originate from a book or a film. A shadow, the rustle of leaves, an inaudible sound—all of these things might create fear or these stories in only two sentences.

Highly skilled authors have produced horror stories that will make you shiver and keep you up early in the morning in just two sentences or less. Good luck as you dive into the world of horror.

1. Another hand on the light switch

1. Another hand on the light switch

2. Choosing to be cremated instead

2. Choosing to be cremated instead

3. Where did the sleeping toddler go?

3. Where did the sleeping toddler go?

4. Then who could have taken the picture?

4. Then who could have taken the picture?

5. How is that even possible?

5. How is that even possible?

6. Closing more doors than you've opened

6. Closing more doors than you've opened

7. Checking for monsters under the bed be like:

7. Checking for monsters under the bed be like:

8. Who could have done that and how did they manage to get in?

8. Who could have done that and how did they manage to get in?

9. That is so sad to hear

9. That is so sad to hear

10. Hearing a knock from the mirror

10. Hearing a knock from the mirror

11. Waking to seeing the time as closer to the one you just dreamed of

11. Waking to seeing the time as closer to the one you just dreamed of

12. It's much more unsettling now that you live alone

12. It's much more unsettling now that you live alone

13. Clutching the dress she was buried in

13. Clutching the dress she was buried in

14. The dirt covering the coffins of your screams

14. The dirt covering the coffins of your screams

15. It doesn't help that she's being told to stop

15. It doesn't help that she's being told to stop

16. Then who is breathing so heavily then?

16. Then who is breathing so heavily then?

17. The moment you realize it

17. The moment you realize it

18. So who is comforting the child then?

This situation is enough to steal sleep out of anyone's eyes.

18. So who is comforting the child then?

19. You've got to double check cos you never can tell

19. You've got to double check cos you never can tell

20. Now that is not pleasant at all

20. Now that is not pleasant at all

If reading these little scary stories didn't make you shiver and make you feel lighthearted, wait until you wake up in the middle of the night. There just might be a creak in the flooring and a quiet sound coming from beyond your door.

Then you may decide otherwise or just brace up to it. Leave your opinions about these two sentence horror stories in the comments below and click the button below to share these fantastic them with your friends.
