50+ Amazing Photos Of Things That Have Worn Down Over The Years
They say everything gets better with age.

As we get older our items, clothing, and valuables also age with time. They become worn and outdated, so much so that sometimes we can't even use them anymore.
Sure, we can replace what is broken and worn with something new and shiny that gets us all excited to use it, but do you really want to?
Everything we own is there for a reason whether you are a hoarder and just love stuff of whether you actually need it, it is there for a reason. All the things we own has memories that take us back to a time we loved and laughed and it essentially tells our life story.
It is something great we need to cherish and these pictures show us that things can be worn down, but the mystery and stories behind it, is what makes us keep it.
Years of hiking along the volcanic rock at Tsankawi has left hiking imprints.

New apron vs the old one.

Everything except the letters has worn away.

He has been studying out of this book for a year now and you can clearly see how far he is.

Each bottle contains the same whiskey, but they are all matured one year apart.

Behold "the bro code" of the bathroom.

This dog has created an outline on the wall by sleeping in the same spot and position for years.

This cat has been scratching the same leg of a bench for about a decade.

Four year old lunch bag vs a new one.

The 21 steps have been engraved in the carpet by the grave of the unknown soldier.

You can see they always walk in the middle.

People use the top part of this fence to swing around the corner.

When nature takes over.

The difference in one year's time between a regular foot and a prosthetic foot.

Quarters cut a hole into their drawers.

The shelves bent from the weight of the old binders.

He gave the mouse a thumb-groove.

A dog's old toy vs a new one.

This is what happens to a butcher knife when you have been sharpening it for 8 months.

This used to be an old building now it is a parking lot and they decided it best to not remove it, but to pave over it.

Worn shoe vs new shoe.

Someone forgot their bicycle that was chained to the tree.

He started to get toe imprints on the soles of his shoes.

They just started cleaning the Trinity building.

His wife told him to power wash the fence and this is what it looks like now.

This cnider block washed up on the shore after being in the ocean for a whi

Through years of washing the red ring and the words "USA" have disappeared of the Olympic mug.

Bike key vs spare key.

Her buddy from 33 years ago and a new one her son just got.

The sun made it's own beautiful design on this CD after it was left in a car for a year.

This Mayan calendar is quite heavy to be dragging a nail down a wall.

Her cats love rubbing their faces on this particular spot and you can see the discoloration.

The steering wheel used to look identical everywhere.

Perfect example of how coral can grow on underwater statues over time.

This castle in Germany's stairs have been well worn out.

What it looks like when the government tests nukes for almost 20 years on a patch of desert In Nevada. They only used a small fraction, but it has great consequences.

A corner of this fur buddy's tag has been removed by his collar's buckle.

Both teddies was given to 2 sisters at the same time 18 years ago.

The road was closed so long that the tree started to eat the sign.

Old demo chisel vs new one.

In a cemetery in Wakefield, Ma, there is a mother tombstone being hugged by a tree.

The difference between the cards that are being played with and the draw pile.

When people stil touched their location on maps.

A screw driver from the olden days.

An old mannequin used for dresses.

A worn out hook at Disney World.

This guy has worn out two phone cases by spinning and balancing his phone with his fingers.

Exhaust vents have bent these trees over the years.

And I wonder why the customer is saying that the bicycle keeps on slipping when he rides.

Men's bathroom door vs women's at an engineering university.

The wall has marks on it due to customers resting against it.

University Of Michigan's door handles.

He was mixing paint for 10 years with one stick and when it became heavy he cut off the end.

This is what a mineral pool spa's filter look like after 6 months of not cleaning it.

Children have been running up and down this hill for years (Donnelly's Hollow, Ireland).

New watch strap vs old one.

Because of people using the chain to climb to the top of Angel's landing hiking trail at Zion National Park the chain has worn through the rock.

The stairs at The Arc De Triomphe in Paris.

When you ID card is so worn out that it becomes scary.

For 30 years customers have been striking this wall outside a bike shop with their bicycle pedals.

100 years ago canal barges were pulled by horses and the tow rope marks are still showing.

The garage key that is some how still working.

A ballet's shoes.

The lock for the door has worn it out over many years.

The beavers made this tree look like it is melting.

Side by side photo of the same woman 40 years later.

The guitar of Willie Nelson after being used for 45 years.

An older building was once attached to this building that is why the brick work is different.

Right handed eating has made this spoon so crooked.

This Church In Detroit, was always thought to have black stones, but truth be told it has never been washed since it was built 134 years ago.

The golf course clubhouse has some interesting steps.

When your socks turn sad from all the wearing.

The tiles decided they wanted to be concrete again.

Old bicycle tyre, 9500 km and seven years vs new tyre.

It took 10 years but the key ring worn a notch in the doggy's name tag.

She received the first one 29 years ago and then her mother gave her little son a brand new one.

Over a 9 year period, this carpet that was actually blue turned grey.

When grandmother's have told you to much old tales about what they believe.

He bought the same wallet 10 years ago. One he used and the other one he kept.

The wall has all these scratch and marks from people putting pool cues on the rack over the years.

A decade on mars will do this to you.

The result of having 6 rounds of chemotherapy.

95 years ago the World War 1 happened and the trench is still there.

A 70 year old cookbook that has been past down from mother to daughter.

They put this colourful Sozodont add on the side of this building in the 1900s, but Sozodont fell out early in the 20th century, but they left the add to fade away.

Apparently the people never go straight on this road.

This is what a pitch fork looks like when it has only been used by a left handed person for 20 years.

This fretboard is depicting a graph of usage.

Here we have the past, the present and the future hats.

These sandbags were here so long they turned into rock.

10 years apart. The old one finally decided to let it go.

These grocery store customers never use the bottom ones.

The tree caught the stones when they were falling.

Loads of wedding rings have made scratches only on the left side handle.

This is Chef Morimoto's Knives. The first one is brand new and the rest he has been using, sharpening and cutting at his restaurant.

Probably the oldest, baddest great white.

It's crazy how we make imprints, even though it takes a few years.

This is how you know that right handed and left handed people are completely different. The right side handle is worn at the top and the left side at the bottom.

His grandpa carried this silver dollar with him for 20 years.

He has had this for 6 years, but it is useless now it does not open bottles anymore.

He bought these skates 15 years ago. There is barely steel and he is keeping the heels together with duct tape.

We all lean on the counter when we cook or wash dishes and this happened to her apron over time.

Carrying pocket knives for 8 years can do this to your jeans.

Guess which door is used to leave Burger King.

"This light post is outside of a popular music club in New Orleans. After 40 years of having band flyers stapled to it, there's no more room."

The new vs the old.

They left this Coke can in a cup holder for 2 years and this is what it looks like now.

I think he needs a new laptop, the touch pad looks horrible.

This is what happens to wallpaper when you switch the lights on for 60 years.

"Inside St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, pilgrims have been touching and kissing the statue's feet for centuries"

Playing too much Minecraft can result in your IPad looking like this.

Years of scanning groceries made the counter lose it's paint.

50 years apart.

A Forever 21 dressing room, where everyone stands on the same spot.

Since 1994 he has this circuirtboard on his keychain.

Bike pedals have scratched this city light over many years.

Both are 15 years old. One has been kept in storage and the other one has been used.

Locked door handle vs unlocked door handle.

The train's floor is supposed to be textured but it has been worn out completely.

Customer's feet have worn down this floor at a cafe.

Young vs old.

This tap does not really dispense cola it has just been worn out over the years.

People have been swiping cards for years and it worn down the wall.

Old hiking poles, 2000 miles vs brand new ones.

Cheap gas for everyone!

They only used one part of the table.

The tree grew through a fence and has the marks to show it.

This fence post rotted down to become small again.

A brick wall that has been moulded and shaped by the waves of the sea.

They had to eat a lot of lasagne to get this dish so worn out.

When the shirt was new vs it is now faded.

This grandpa has been using the same knife for 40 years.

20 year old knife vs a new one.

A tunnel formed from centuries of using this path (La Meauffe, Manche, France).

He carried these field notes with him in different pockets for 4 months.

The gate worn through the tar road from years of opening and closing.

The wall is starting to dissapear behind the dartboard.

"Bronze statue of iconic ballerina, Margot Fonteyn, at The Royal Ballet School in London. Ballet students touch the middle finger for luck each time they walk past."

Where his skin had touched the band of his watch.

Cooking chopsticks worn down over 10 years of use.

Her dad has been using this shovel for snow for 20 years.

She has worn off all the letters on her keyboard.

"In 1995, my great-aunt gave me a stuffed cat. It was my absolute favorite, and slept with me every night through my childhood. When she passed, we found out she had bought an identical cat and kept it in pristine condition for two decades. The years of love certainly left their mark."

Perfect circle fading at this barbershop.

This is what happens when you peel off graffiti that has been there for 30 years. It gives you a complete timeline just like a tree.

This is what happens when everybody touches the "You are here" mark.

One was used for street soccer the other one was sitting in the shed.

Notebook used for one year vs new.

"The D20s my dad bought in 1977 and my brother used through middle school in the 80's."

A car was left in the woods of Japan for years.

The path bowling balls leave on the return machine.

A new microbead pillow vs a old one used for over 10 years..

Before drilling for oil vs after drilling for oil.

Constant use has worn out the piano's pedal.

The figure now has luscious locks, because of being worn out.

Pacman has been played too much on this CRT Tv screen.

When soap can damage a stone counter top.

"Several decades of my band teacher tapping on his music stand with a wooden baton has caused the metal to flatten."

Foot traffic has polished this root, which is on a hiking trail.

Nobody wants a car wash so they have worn out the button.

Worn steps on the Great Wall of China.

This is what a "blackout curtain" looks like after 7 years.

These towels are 16 years apart.

The swinging of the light switch has made a grove in the wall.

This person played to much Suduko on his IPad.

Old pillow case, used for 40 years vs one sitting in the cupboard.

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