Woman Scolds Child For Touching Her Things In A Restaurant And Gets Confronted By His Angry Mother

The woman had been enjoying her time with her family until a particularly obnoxious child ruined it.

Woman Scolds Child For Touching Her Things In A Restaurant And Gets Confronted By His Angry Mother

Parents often receive criticism on their parenting from outsiders. And sometimes, those outsiders are complete strangers.

This sort of unwanted advice can be frustrating and, at times, insulting for parents. But what if it's entirely warranted?

One Reddit user, u/BingandBong123, recently posted in the AITA (Am I The A**Hole?) subreddit about an experience she had in a restaurant. The woman had been enjoying her time with her family until a particularly obnoxious child ruined it.

The little boy was running around the restaurant, screaming and doing cartwheels. Eventually, he ran up to the Redditor's table, picked up her hat, and proceeded to put it on.

At that point, our OP had understandably had just about enough. The boy's mother was not disciplining him, so u/BingandBong123 took matters into her own hands.

"The mother was occasionally looking up to watch her child but didn't react at all to him running around and shouting," the Redditor said. "The staff tried to politely shush him/ask him to stop running a couple of times, but he would stop just for 30 seconds and then start back up again."

Our OP stopped the boy and told him to give the hat back immediately. She also told him it was very rude to touch other people's things without asking.

"He clearly knew he was doing something naughty as he looked embarrassed/ashamed when I scolded him," the OP said. "But he knew his mom would come and bail him out."

Seems reasonable, right? Well, not according to the child's mother, who was unimpressed by our OP's interference.

The Redditor was subsequently scolded by the little boy's mother, who told her to mind her own business in no uncertain terms. So, was our OP in the wrong here?

The woman had been enjoying her time with her family until a particularly obnoxious child ruined it.

The woman had been enjoying her time with her family until a particularly obnoxious child ruined it.AleksandarNakic (not the actual photo)

The Redditor explained that it was a family restaurant, so quite a few children were around.

The Redditor explained that it was a family restaurant, so quite a few children were around.Reddit / BingandBong123

One little boy was running around the restaurant, screaming and doing cartwheels.

One little boy was running around the restaurant, screaming and doing cartwheels.Reddit / BingandBong123

Eventually, he ran up to the Redditor's table, picked up her hat, and proceeded to put it on.

Eventually, he ran up to the Redditor's table, picked up her hat, and proceeded to put it on.Reddit / BingandBong123

The OP stopped the boy and told him to give the hat back immediately.

The OP stopped the boy and told him to give the hat back immediately.Reddit / BingandBong123

She also told him it was very rude to touch other people's things without asking.

She also told him it was very rude to touch other people's things without asking.Reddit / BingandBong123

That's when the boy's mother noticed what was going on and told the Redditor to mind her own business in no uncertain terms.

That's when the boy's mother noticed what was going on and told the Redditor to mind her own business in no uncertain terms.Reddit / BingandBong123

So, is she the a**hole here?

So, is she the a**hole here?Reddit / BingandBong123

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit / BingandBong123

Where do these people get off?

Where do these people get off?Reddit / Lucy_the_wise_goosey

"It was particularly frustrating."

Reddit / Lucy_the_wise_goosey

It's obvious where the child got his lack of manners!

It's obvious where the child got his lack of manners!Reddit / Prof_Fuzzy_Wuzzy

"He's gonna have to learn that there are consequences."

Reddit / SmallTownMortician


Reddit / ParisimoniousSalad

"Woman is delusional."

Reddit / HereAndBlank

There should always be boundaries.

There should always be boundaries.Reddit / throwmomfrmthetrain

Own up!

Own up!Reddit / greenradioactive

"That kid is crazy."

Reddit / jordanflynn828

"My kid wouldn't be acting like that."

Reddit / theSpruceMoose82

"Mom needs to learn to teach her kids to behave."

Reddit / lhsis1

Keep an eye on your kid, lady!

Keep an eye on your kid, lady!Reddit / espressoaggresso

What's your take on this situation? Should our OP have left disciplining the child up to his mother, or was she well within her rights to say something?

Of course, reprimanding a child should foremost be a parent's job. But if the parents aren't doing it, and the child is disrupting us, shouldn't we be allowed to say something?

Have you ever disciplined a stranger's child or perhaps been on the receiving end as a parent? We would love to hear your stories in the comment section.
