Woman Cooks And Burns Her Husband’s Steak And Refuses To Reimburse Him For It Then Asks The Internet If She's In The Right

And it gets weirder….

Woman Cooks And Burns Her Husband’s Steak And Refuses To Reimburse Him For It Then Asks The Internet If She's In The Right

Relationships can be complicated. Well, that’s actually not true.

They are very simple - either you enjoy spending time with your SO, or you don’t. Everything else is just… details.

How do you imagine spending time with your partner? We bet that laying on the beach, long walks, sex, and cuddling on the couch during those cold winter nights are some of the first things that come to your mind.

Where does arguing about splitting bills fit in there? Or nitpicking about who bought what at the grocery store?

Doesn’t sound really romantic, doesn’t it? Or like something you want to do for the rest of your life with your partner.

Separate finances are pretty common these days, but some people have a really twisted idea about what that means. For example, a woman posted a question on Reddit: “AITA for refusing to pay my husband for the burnt beef steak I cooked for him?”

And if you think the question is weird, just wait till you read the rest of her story. Someone misinformed this woman about what separate finances really mean.

She got into an argument with her husband about a burnt steak. And it brought on a whole lot of issues.

OP posted her odd question

OP posted her odd question Reddit

And an even odder story. She and her husband have separate finances, and he goes to extremes when sharing expenses.

And an even odder story. She and her husband have separate finances, and he goes to extremes when sharing expenses.Reddit

He brought home a steak and asked her to cook it.

He brought home a steak and asked her to cook it. Reddit

But the stake was completely burnt because he had strawberries to harvest...

But the stake was completely burnt because he had strawberries to harvest...Reddit

Now he says she owes him for a prime piece of meat

Now he says she owes him for a prime piece of meatReddit

Why should he pay for something his wife destroyed?

Why should he pay for something his wife destroyed?Reddit

OP wanted to explain their situation, but we don't think it worked. And OP clearly has some weird idea about what separate finances are.

OP wanted to explain their situation, but we don't think it worked. And OP clearly has some weird idea about what separate finances are. Reddit

Some people neglected the whole extreme financial thing and focused on their relationship

Some people neglected the whole extreme financial thing and focused on their relationshipReddit

While others have focused on the most bizarre thing - reimbursement request

While others have focused on the most bizarre thing - reimbursement requestReddit

If you want to hare everything, pay me for the work I do around the house...

If you want to hare everything, pay me for the work I do around the house...Reddit

Just imagine...

Just imagine... Reddit

It is not a normal relationship, not even close

It is not a normal relationship, not even closeReddit

Sounds about right

Sounds about rightReddit

Everyone is out to get him. Even his own wife. That poor guy, always the victim

Everyone is out to get him. Even his own wife. That poor guy, always the victimReddit

OP should charge him for it

OP should charge him for itReddit

That is exaclty what everyone does when feeling sick and exhausted- cruise around for that perfect piece of meat

That is exaclty what everyone does when feeling sick and exhausted- cruise around for that perfect piece of meatReddit

Do they even eat together?

Do they even eat together?Reddit

Roommates, not spouses

Roommates, not spousesReddit

Can you think of a reason?

Can you think of a reason?Reddit

The bottom line:

The bottom line:Reddit

And to wrap it up:

And to wrap it up:Reddit

OP posted an edit, which made things even worse:

OP posted an edit, which made things even worse: Reddit

Her husband seems like a very nice man. She must enjoy spending quality time with him

Her husband seems like a very nice man. She must enjoy spending quality time with himReddit

How do you even get to a point when you argue about who will pick up a bill for the burnt stake? What is their family life like?

How much time do they spend each day calculating how much they've spent and who owes whom? It's hard to answer OPs questions because your mind goes straight to the questions we mentioned above.

That's not a relationship -it's a business deal. And we think OP is getting ripped off.
