The Funniest Story About A Dog That Died That You'll Read All Day

Not all stories about deceased dogs will leave you laughing.

  • Published in Animals
The Funniest Story About A Dog That Died That You'll Read All Day

One of the saddest things, when you're driving around, is when you see something in the middle of the road, and your fear is that it's an animal. Sometimes, when you get closer, you can see that it's just a cardboard box; but sometimes it is someone's furry family member that has had an unfortunate altercation with a vehicle.

Local councils and authorities are often notified when someone notices a poor animal on the side of the road. Which is exactly what happened in this situation. Someone noticed a small dead dog and let the local authorities know so they could notify the authorities.

Erika Cole, the Director of Providence Animal Control, told Bored Panda that they get about a dozen calls day; some calls are just barking complaints and notices of stray animals, whereas others are more upsetting.

“So when we get that call, we are always fearing the worst. Normally, we call the constituent to see if there is any more information such as; is the animal still alive, is there an owner on scene etc. If the animal is, in fact, deceased, we will treat the animal with dignity and hold that animal for the 5-day stray hold to try to make contact with an owner to provide closure. At that point, we can guide the owner how best to utilise cremation services. If the animal is injured, we drive that animal right to the Veterinary ER for assessment and continue to try and make contact with the owner while providing the animal with care.”

This message was sent into the Providence Animal Control Centre Facebook page.

Providence Animal Control Centre (via Bored Panda)

This is how the page responded:

Providence Animal Control Centre (via Bored Panda)

Cole recounted a similar story that happened over Thanksgiving. Someone called in to report a bag of mummified cats and kittens.

When workers showed up; it turns out someone's turkey dinner had ended up on the road!

Providence Animal Control Centre (via Bored Panda)

A picture of the "dog"

A picture of the Providence Animal Control Centre (via Bored Panda)

In case you doubted it was a true story...

Bored Panda

Others noticed the uncanny resemblance...

Bored Panda


Bored Panda

So glad!!!!!

Bored Panda