51 Photos Of Odd, Hilarious, And Quirky Cats From An Instagram Account That Focuses On Avantgarde Snaps Of Felines
Logic is irrelevant in the cat pics you're about to see.

It is, of course, enough that pet owners give cats the love they deserve. But once you post a picture of one. you'll realize that the internet still has so much love to give to your adorable feline.
People's interest in cats is so strong that there are tons of websites and communities dedicated to every aspect of cats and their relaxing yet goofy everyday living.
The adoration and devotion of millions of internet users for these creatures is the reason why there is an abundance of cat pictures, videos, and even artwork every single day.
Although cats can be a bit temperamental and they don't always do what we want them to, you can't help but fall in love with their haughtiness. And that's why the internet will always adore cats, no matter how many memes come and go.
But you need to remember that the love you dedicate by scrolling through cat pictures is completely different from actually taking care of one or more. It takes effort to be a parent to a fur child.
Whether you're content with just looking at cats online or someone who owns a cat, we know that you appreciate every post you come across. Today, we're going to look at the felines from avantgardecats, an Instagram account dedicated to hilarious and weird snaps of these furballs.
1. Sharing the same bed created a weird result.

2. Big cat with a big heart, literally.

3. This feline just won't let go.

4. A unique friendship

5. This cat's favorite spot

6. Cats becoming sentient beings

7. "They were my friends..."

8. Looking down on a petty human

9. Miserably failed at drinking from the faucet.

10. "Uhh...yeah!"

11. That's not going to put you in a working mood.

12. "Be useful and give me a treat!"

13. They're so small!

14. "Don't mind me!"

15. Cattogators

16. Tucked paws

17. "Someday, it'll be all yours."

18. "This is my property!"

19. "I've worked hard chasing all the mice away. Time for my reward!"

20. This is love!

21. "I can fly!"

22. Gee, thanks!

23. How cat owners will spend their eternity

24. Blep!

25. That toy car is part of her bed.

26. Ready to serve!

27. Aren't they supposed to be enemies?

28. "I wanna know what's in it!"

29. Powerful cat

30. "Lemme out..."

31. Feeding their pet.

32. We wonder what the title of this book is.

33. So warm, so sweet!

34. We hope it's legit.

35. Cold lover

36. He's flirting with them all!

37. "Oooh! It's my size!"

38. Ball pic

39. "Lemme have that!"

40. Human during the day, cat during the night.

41. "I'm listening!"

42. Don't be fooled!

43. Shall we try the newest flavor?

44. This furball's collection

45. Looks like they're plotting something evil.

46. Bedtime snack

47. Cat brain not working

48. "Are you threatening me?"

49. "Mom! Look at what I did!"

50. "What did I just look at?"

51. Favorite place

Cat posts like this are such a great escape from the stressful world.
Cats provide a sense of comfort and relaxation that people can’t find elsewhere. That's why we're so glad that there’s no shortage of cute cat videos and memes on the internet.
Let's be thankful that the internet is an endless source of cat goodness. We hope it lasts forever. We really do.
