These 22 Purrfect Cats Believe They Should Have Been A Fruit, And They Will Leave You Grinning From Ear To Ear

Our cat fruits are ripe and ready for consumption... Or not!

  • Published in Animals
These 22 Purrfect Cats Believe They Should Have Been A Fruit, And They Will Leave You Grinning From Ear To Ear

Your inquisitive feline appears to be intrigued by the fresh fruit you purchased from the farmer's market, but as we all know, cats are naturally curious. Since cats are obligate carnivores, fruit is definitely not necessary for them to consume.

Cats are not driven to eat high-fructose foods, and although they can eat fruit, they rarely do so naturally. Although many fruit varieties are safe for cats to eat, owners must be careful not to give their cats excessive amounts because of the high sugar content.

But what happens when your cat thinks that it is the fruit in question? Nothing pleases them more than to dangle from a tree or sit in pots.

These felines have elevated their admiration for foliage to an entirely new level. They're chasing the delusion that they're the best produce found in nature.

Despite how much they may like to act like fruit, do not treat them like one! Try not to water them, pull them from their perch, or bite them with your teeth!

Consider them more like the fruit in a plastic fruit bowl - enjoy their beauty, but don't try to turn them into pies. Take a closer look the next time you notice an unusual pot plant or a fruit hanging strangely; it might simply be a cat enjoying its finest fruit life!

1. This is my place - I am a plant

1. This is my place - I am a plantu/WholePathos

2. What? You never seen a living cat plant before?

2. What? You never seen a living cat plant before?u/redundant_simplicity

3. I dwell where I got in the most

3. I dwell where I got in the mostu/CombustionPanda

4. Don't search for me for I am one with nature

4. Don't search for me for I am one with natureu/falliblehumanity

5. A big snuggly, comfortable and blooming flower

5. A big snuggly, comfortable and blooming floweru/Justintrude119

6. Me and my generation have found our plant ancestry

6. Me and my generation have found our plant ancestryu/annualprominence

7. If you're looking for me, search no more for I have found my plant people

7. If you're looking for me, search no more for I have found my plant peopleu/Feeflyy

8. I'll just stay right here

8. I'll just stay right hereu/overt_literature

9. What? Are you saying I don't belong here?

9. What? Are you saying I don't belong here?u/EffectiveSalamander

10. Can't you see that I fit in so perfectly?

10. Can't you see that I fit in so perfectly?u/basket_of_gauvas

11. Don't try to trespass into our home

11. Don't try to trespass into our homeu/hohuhihy

12. Cuddling my source

12. Cuddling my sourceu/IntenselyTrifling

13. This fruit doesn't need disturbance

13. This fruit doesn't need disturbanceu/MasculineTempo

14. Another ripe fruit season is here

14. Another ripe fruit season is hereu/thecalculatingracism

15. Now that is one adorable fruit

15. Now that is one adorable fruitu/HonesBe

16. Just chilling in our fruit zones

16. Just chilling in our fruit zonesu/Alive_Boysenberry195

17. Fruits need sunlight to thrive

17. Fruits need sunlight to thriveu/WorkableUniversity

18. This beautiful fruit is in its resting place

18. This beautiful fruit is in its resting placeu/rosey0519

19. By their tail fruits, we shall know them

19. By their tail fruits, we shall know themu/adventurous_seizure

20. Fruits need to chill too

20. Fruits need to chill toou/typicalplethora207

21. I'm not listening to you until you acknowledge that I'm a fruit

21. I'm not listening to you until you acknowledge that I'm a fruitu/ExSqueezedIt

22. The fruit is here

22. The fruit is hereu/SillyMechanics

A lot of cats are picky eaters and they will not touch the food if you inadvertently choose the wrong flavor. Some will also not eat if it is not presented freshly, and some will not even look at it if there is a hair in the bowl.

There are other cats that are completely the opposite and they savor the delicious plate full of surprise, completely disregarding table decorum. These cats are certain that they are fruits so what should we feed them now?

Don't forget to share these cuties to your cat-loving family and friends.
