Weirdo Cats Living Their Best, Weird Lives

An endless source of hilarious entertainment.

  • Published in Animals
Weirdo Cats Living Their Best, Weird Lives

There's a universal cat truth that all of us cat lovers know: cats are weird. For every bit cute that cats are, they're also plentiful on the peculiar side.

You never know what your cat will do next, destroy something unprovoked? Chase it's own tail (kitty tails are so fluffy,) or purr-haps your cat will get stuck up high somewhere it simply doesn't belong and look at you as if you're the reason they're experiencing such an indignity.

Whatever unusual behavior our cats are up to, these hilarious photos of weirdo cats should remind you of one very important thing: always document the weirdness.

1. Beware

1. BewareBombusTerrestris

2. Yawns are always funny when they're paused

2. Yawns are always funny when they're pausedxallisonwonderland

3. "The brightness, it BURNS"

3. Oxitrix

4. Toe beans require the most exceptional licking positions

4. Toe beans require the most exceptional licking positionsBettinaStace

5. Pray for him, tots and pears.

5. Pray for him, tots and pears.Goldenchest

6. A loaf AND the makings of a mlem? Heck yes.

6. A loaf AND the makings of a mlem? Heck yes.Jstavry

7. Beautiful

7. BeautifulBuguyaBriarLeigh

8. This cat is goblin as heck

8. This cat is goblin as heckmarfabean

9. This cat is M O D E S T

9. This cat is M O D E S Temelieparadis

10. This is your sleep paralysis demon

10. This is your sleep paralysis demonaereeka


11. CUTE CAT, CUTE CATScarlette_fever

12. See who??

12. See who??lasergia

13. Life is better when your cat loves ham.

13. Life is better when your cat loves ham.guacabitch

14. Peculiar

14. Peculiarstephonmebeard

15. Fear Her

15. Fear Herweebdweeb42069

16. You've committed a grave crime, human.

16. You've committed a grave crime, human.dhpredteam


17. SHPESHELdeej6669

18. "OMG you brought GRASS? For ME?" No, just a yawn.

18. reddit

19. She like da hair

19. She like da hairBen_TGOC

20. S H R I M P B O I

20. S H R I M P B O Irednailsgreensnakes

21. Of course your cat is wild, you named her Noodle.

21. Of course your cat is wild, you named her Noodle.Noodleisacat

22. No regrets can be detected

22. No regrets can be detectedhazebeanz

23. This kitty is puzzled.

23. This kitty is puzzled.reddit

24. Oh lawd she climbin'

24. Oh lawd she climbin'Audace_Noire

25. Hello, dear Max.

25. Hello, dear Max.esal91

26. We should all try this at least once

26. We should all try this at least oncecxsafsfqwr

27. The majestic, domesticated cat, y'all:

27. The majestic, domesticated cat, y'all:ChurnsMyButter

28. The cat's face says it ALL

28. The cat's face says it ALLlilcoffeemonster88

29. Purr-fectly NORMAL

29. Purr-fectly NORMALFormal-Rat

30. When a cat says, "if I fits, I sits," they really dedicate to it.

30. When a cat says, k-8-0