People Share Times When They Have Witnessed Objection At Wedding

Get ready to read some stories on wedding objections.

People Share Times When They Have Witnessed Objection At Wedding

We're back at it again with another Reddi post that we will be looking at, and this Reddit post is from the Ask Reddit thread. This thread is the perfect place to go if you're looking to get a question answered or looking for people to answer with personal experiences.

Overall, it's a great place to go if you have any sort of question or want a broad range of answers because Reddit tends to have tons of people from all over on there answering the questions. With this being said, we're going to be looking at a post that asks for people to share their experiences of someone objecting at a wedding.

An objection is something we oftentimes only see in movies and rarely have people mentioned having them in real life but according to this post, there have been some instances. Objections are when someone goes against the marriage and objects to it, but this isn't something many people do outside of Hollywood.

So if you're interested in looking into the full post and reading the interesting stories about how and why some weddings got objected then keep on reading as we give you the full scoop on all the details shared in the comments.

Here's the original question that was asked on Reddit and we're going to dive into the responses now.

Here's the original question that was asked on Reddit and we're going to dive into the responses now.IncognitoAstronaut10

This is so funny to imagine because we bet the officiant was quick with their responses as well.

This is so funny to imagine because we bet the officiant was quick with their responses as well.maeveomaeve

This is exactly how I pictured the conversation to go in my head regarding the comment above.

This is exactly how I pictured the conversation to go in my head regarding the comment above.iamsavsavage

I would be so interesting to see something wild like this and it's also been confirmed that they are still married so it wasn't a sign.

I would be so interesting to see something wild like this and it's also been confirmed that they are still married so it wasn't a sign.curtludwig

Now this is just funny circumstances because the groom was probably scared even though he didn't need to be at all.

Now this is just funny circumstances because the groom was probably scared even though he didn't need to be at all.ligmasweatyballs74

Here are some more comments from the above comment thread that we just needed to share too.

Here are some more comments from the above comment thread that we just needed to share too.Bucketsdntlie

We are actually quite impressed that there are this many objection stories because we didn't think that there would be.

We are actually quite impressed that there are this many objection stories because we didn't think that there would be.Zloiche1

Now this definitely sounds like a ridiculous situation and we hope nobody got married.

Now this definitely sounds like a ridiculous situation and we hope nobody got married.JohnMcClanesPenis

This is just heartbreaking honestly and maybe wouldn't consider marrying into his family if he acts like that.

This is just heartbreaking honestly and maybe wouldn't consider marrying into his family if he acts like that.ijustwanttogotojacuz

If the best man isn't on board then I'm definitely not on board either.

If the best man isn't on board then I'm definitely not on board either.Cheap_Rain_4130

I don't get why you'd go to a wedding if you are not supportive of the couple.

I don't get why you'd go to a wedding if you are not supportive of the couple.Saint_Lazy

Obviously it's good that they're still together. clearly dad just had issues.

Obviously it's good that they're still together. clearly dad just had issues.jersey8894

There's always got to be the educational comment that gives you a logical response.

There's always got to be the educational comment that gives you a logical response.FapDonkey

The examples they used are actually pretty funny to but this is interesting.

The examples they used are actually pretty funny to but this is interesting.FapDonkey

This is actually pretty interesting to know but honestly it does make sense that it probably wasn't for someone to object because of their feelings.

This is actually pretty interesting to know but honestly it does make sense that it probably wasn't for someone to object because of their feelings.FapDonkey

I will never understand arranged marriages.

I will never understand arranged marriages.Sprogdoc

Well, this was interesting. Some of these objections were filled with drama while others were pretty standard or just kind of weren't as intense.

I don't know how common an objection is, but after reading the comments it seems like we are using it wrong.
