These Vibrant Sailor Moon Illustrations Are Amazing

The Sailor Senshi (literally “Sailor Soldiers”; called “Sailor Scouts” or “Guardians” in Western versions) — are teenage girls who can transform into heroines named for the Moon and planets.

These Vibrant Sailor Moon Illustrations Are Amazing

Japanese artist Nozomu Ikeuchi is quite the talented and skilled illustrator, whose work is certainly not limited to Sailor Moon fan art, but by far some of the most exquisite and fascinating of his work is indeed the Sailor Moon fan art. The way Nozomu captures the facial expressions of the Sailor Senshi and swirls around vibrant colors is exactly what one should appreciate in artistic expression.

It would be easy to appreciate Nozomu's art even if you weren't a diehard fan of Sailor Moon, but since you are a huge fan of Sailor Moon, you'll love these all the more!

Support the Artist: DeviantArt

1. Sailor Moon

1. Sailor Moonk-BOSE

2. Sailor Mars

2. Sailor Marsk-BOSE

3. Sailor Mercury

3. Sailor Mercuryk-BOSE

4. Sailor Jupiter

4. Sailor Jupiterk-BOSE

5. Sailor Venus

5. Sailor Venusk-BOSE

6. Sailor Pluto

6. Sailor Plutok-BOSE

7. Sailor Neptune

7. Sailor Neptunek-BOSE

8. Sailor Saturn

8. Sailor Saturnk-BOSE

9. Sailor Uranus

9. Sailor Uranusk-BOSE

10. Chibi Moon

10. Chibi Moonk-BOSE

11. Tuxedo Max

11. Tuxedo Maxk-BOSE

Who doesn't love a few bonus Sailor Moon pieces of fan art?

Here's a few more before you go...

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moonk-BOSE



"Mandala Moon"


"Uranus and Neptune"
