30 People Over The Age Of Fifty Share Insightful Life Advice That Will Be Beneficial To The Younger Generation

With age comes wisdom, so let's embrace it

30 People Over The Age Of Fifty Share Insightful Life Advice That Will Be Beneficial To The Younger Generation

"How can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22?" asks the wise Taylor Swift. As we get older, we learn new things all the time, but not every lesson has to be taught through failure.

Sometimes it's preferable to simply heed the wise counsel of our elders. You see, perfection or being flawless are unattainable concepts as it's simply not feasible.

Therefore, if you believe something isn't ideal, there's no reason to hold yourself back or strive for it. There is never a "perfect" moment, circumstance, or method to accomplish a task as it simply doesn't exist.

Perfectionism can keep us from even starting something, because we are worried that it won't be perfect. However, the most crucial thing is actually to begin, to move forward, and to give it a shot!

Your life will certainly became more enjoyable as you overcome your predisposition toward perfectionism and try more of new things. We've collected some of the greatest observations made by Redditors over 50 that have been shared on a subreddit page.

Trust me when I say that these life advice can benefit younger readers and there may be something on this list for you too. So go ahead and educate yourself the more with this awesome pieces of advice.

The question has been asked

The question has been askedh-gotfred

1. "You might not want kids or be able to have kids, and that's okay. Never let anyone tell you you're making a mistake or will have regrets if you choose not to have a baby."

1. insertsomethingwittyhere

2. "The right person will bring out the best version of yourself. If you find yourself shrinking around them, compromising your values, or trying to be someone you’re not, it’s not the right person."

2. RakishLass

3. Think about it

Stop thinking you life is about been the most productive person you can be. Find interesting hobbies that make you feel good and are good for you. Your soul deserves to experience some of your own dreams, don't waste all of your time working towards the dreams of your companies owners.

3. Think about itBoxing_day_maddness

4. Let go

4. Let goPublicEnemaNumberOne

5. "Everybody f***s up, it's what you do after that matters."

5. SwampAss_Man

6. Travelling

6. Travellingpinniped1

7. "I’d say invest in your health by regularly exercising."

My wife got me into running when we were in our twenties, and it has been a big part of our lives ever since (I’m 63). Nothing crazy, no marathons, we don’t time ourselves or follow a strict training plan, we just pick a route, go at our own pace and have fun. We still go 3-4 miles, 3-4x per week.

I also started working out at the gym 3x a week with free weights in my 30s, and have been doing it ever since. I’m no Schwarzenegger, believe me, but I can still work around the house, move furniture, shovel snow and have fun tossing a ball around with the kids without injuring or exhausting myself.

Between aerobic fitness and the weights, I’ve been able to stay remarkably healthy my entire adult life, knock on wood. It’s also been great for my mental health and managing stress.

You don’t have to go nuts and set unreasonably strict requirements for exercise goals or diet that a normal person can’t possibly maintain - just do the best you can, make exercising a few times per week a habit, eat a reasonable diet (avoid fried stuff, eat fruit and veggies, lay off the sweets), and 40 years later you’ll really thank yourself, believe me!

7. lanky_planky

8. "*Every* skill takes determined practice to master."

I see my young friends/relatives try, and give up on so many things because "they weren't very good at it". If you keep doing that, you'll never be very good at anything.

8. EarhornJones

9. Looking back

9. Looking backkoreth

10. It's the best teacher

10. It's the best teachergefmayhem

11. Keep learning

11. Keep learningibiacmbyww

12. "Marriage/relationships should be fun, and happy. Life is hard, things get tough. Find someone that makes the tough times easier, not harder."

12. Inevitable-Mine6466

13. "Not everything that you disagree with deserves an argument. Pick your battles and let trivial things slide."

13. hail2theKingbabee

14. "Reading for pleasure."

14. invalidpassword

15. "The habits you get into during your 20's & 30's are going to be damn near impossible to change. Make those habits good ones."

15. anonymousmetoo

16. True words

I heard a saying once that has proven to be very true. When you're young you constantly worry about what everyone else thinks of you. When you're an adult, you stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of you. And when you're old, you finally realize that nobody else was thinking about you all along.

16. True wordsAnDroid5539

17. Mental health

17. Mental healtharkofjoy

18. Work hard

18. Work hardkalysti

19. Key points

19. Key points96tearsand96eyes

20. "Inheritance is not a retirement plan."

20. CafeTerraceAtNoon

21. "Nobody else ever thinks about the things you did that you think were embarrassing or cringeworthy. You are not important to them. The only one who remembers those moments are you, and you shouldn’t let them define you to yourself."

21. Rune_Council

22. Change is constant

22. Change is constantWhatever-ItsFine

23. "Take care of your body. Exercise, keep your weight reasonable, and keep the “bad habits” in moderation. It really does make a difference later in life."

23. quarterinchseams

24. Important

Wear sunscreen! When I look at my 50-year-old upper chest (frequently exposed to the sun in my youth) compared to my 50-year-old belly (which has always been clothed and covered because I have never liked two-piece swimsuits), I can't believe the difference.

24. ImportantHootieRocker59

25. Nice one

If there was abuse in your childhood of any kind and no one helped, get help now. If you can’t afford therapy use online resource, they’re not the best, but still helpful. Don’t have your own children until you’re sure you won’t repeat the cycle.

25. Nice oneJonesinforJonesey

26. "If you die, your employer will have your job posted before you are buried. Remember that on when making work/life choices."

26. Justin9314

27. "Comparison is the thief of joy. Stop comparing your looks, whether your successful, or your happiness to anybody else's."

27. punsarefun

28. No competition

28. No competitionorangeonesum

29. "Unless you don't mind hearing EEEEEEEEEEEE like all the time day and night, use hearing protection in loud situations. Tinnitus is a b***h."

29. revnhoj

30. Be careful

30. Be carefullylisdad

This post tells you not to allow your doubts or anxieties to stop you in trying whatever activity you desire. You can overcome your worries so you should give yourself permission to go through anything.

Fears are nothing more than physical sensations brought on by our thoughts. We have power over our lives and one of the keys to living your best life is to be open to learning and growth.

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