17 Times Animals Proved They're Better At Unlikely Friendship Than Humans Are
We can't even get along with our same species, but these animals are doing great at being themselves
- Published in Animals
The animal kingdom is simultaneously simple and complex. Things might seem black and white at times, while others they're complicated and confusing.
One thing is for certain, a lot of times us humans make assumptions about an animal's capacity and capability for empathy, understanding, and friendship... especially when it comes to other species of animals we often expect them to totally not get along with.
We've seen too many cats vs dogs world wrestling matches to not be surprised when the duos cozy up for a cuddle together. That's just the tip of the iceberg, of course.
Recently, we have seen some seriously unexpected friendships and companionship grow in some really unlikely animals and quite frankly it's the motivation we need to to be kind. If these weirdos can get alone, so can we.
1. A Dog and a Duck
Golden retrievers have been used as phenomenal hunting companions, especially when it comes to foul. Yet this duo has totally nailed friendship goals.
barontheblue2. Kids and a kitten.
Fun Fact: baby goats are called kids. These kids found a snuggly cat to cozy up with, or the cat found them. Either way: totally adorable.
dynamitegizmo943. Baby forest pupper meets house pupper, adorable-ness ensues.
Look, I don't care who you think you are. This is adorable.
redditorium4. Motherly Hen proves her motherly instinct by protecting these kittens during a storm.
In another universe, those kittens ate her.
Nemisis10005. A weiner dog and a seal? BFF's.
Sorry folks, Ayla and Stanley are friendship goals.
dog-seal-friendship6. Mule Deer and the Cat
They just stopped by to say hi.
Antscannabis7. BROS
Who would have thought a cow and a cat could be such pals? Before now, not I.
8. A puppy and a kitten.
Instead of fighting like cats and dogs, why not be pals like cats and dogs?
me_colin9. The warmth of friendship.
Is this cat just soaking up the heat lamp under the guise of bonding with his turtle BFF? Maybe, but they're still so stinkin' cute together.
ybroufx10. I don't know what I expected but to be totally sincere: it wasn't this.
Is life a video game or something? A Disney movie? I don't know anymore.
Orange_Jacket11. Have you ever seen a horse kiss a cat?
Now you have.
12. I thought this was a horror movie awaiting to happen.
Instead, this bunny and doggo are the best of friends and my heart feels the wholesome warmth.
13. A Swan and her Fishy Friends
Why eat fish when you can feed fish? Why, indeed.
Petaaa14. The great leader.
Just a cat overseeing business as usual with the sheep.
b12ftw15. This monkey is a friendly visitor.
They visit this dog every day, how sweet is that?
eugray16. I know how this looks but it's way cute.
This cat is not prepping the duck for dinner, she is giving the duck a bath. D'awh.
coffeetime20cups17. However cute all these animals were or are, this dynamic duo most definitely takes the gold star for most stunning of them all.
I bet your dog never brought home a panther pal.