Cats Make The Best Uninvited Guests And These Hilarious Pictures Prove It

Sometimes the blessed life chooses you!

  • Published in Animals
Cats Make The Best Uninvited Guests And These Hilarious Pictures Prove It

There's something about cats that is entirely factual: cats think they rule the world. Upon closer inspection, it's actually not just a thought... I'm pretty much convinced that cats do, indeed, rule the world.

For many of us who can't get enough kitties in our daily lives, the idea of a spontaneous cat showing up is pure delight, nothing to fret over. However, it can be quite startling for people to realize there's a strange (unknown) cat in their home unexpectedly.

Those surprising, uninvited cat guests actually make things quite entertaining, once the shock wears off! Purr-haps more people should just expect at any given moment they might be surprised by a cat?

1. Honestly? I LOVE HER.

1. Honestly? I LOVE HER.Igniti0nM

2. Stanley the BETRAYER

2. Stanley the BETRAYERMaryPlanAhead


3. LET HIM INlauraeve89

4. How COULD you?

4. How COULD you?Raygs1

5. A face only a monster could refuse.

5. A face only a monster could refuse.IlonaMcKie

6. The Visitor

6. The Visitorwolfmanjak64

7. Intelligent as heck.

7. Intelligent as heck.WaterlooDogg

8. How could you REMOVE HIM?

8. How could you REMOVE HIM?DomesticPlodess

9. Bandit has chosen his family.

9. Bandit has chosen his family.1loriking

10. These absolute cuties!

10. These absolute cuties!damonfcox

11. Truly, the face of a disgruntled puss.

11. Truly, the face of a disgruntled puss.skye_hans_VII

12. "Well, hello, mother."

12. gettheshotsin

13. Timmy, Catkins, ETC

13. Timmy, Catkins, ETCKellyLantz

14. This cat is a bonafide badass.

14. This cat is a bonafide badass.ormondroyd

15. Weirdos

15. Weirdos1KevinRyder

16. This cat is D E P E N D A B L E

16. This cat is D E P E N D A B L Egoldstargunner

17. COZY

17. COZYemmiewinter

18. The flipside of "my house, not my cat" is "my cat, not my house."

18. The flipside of generoom

19. What a fluffy belly, so delightful.

19. What a fluffy belly, so delightful.RebWarr13

20. Sweet Greta

20. Sweet GretaUnnaKlingKlang

21. He knows what's good.

21. He knows what's good.WandleHens

22. They look like they are good friends.

22. They look like they are good friends.marietyrer

23. The dog may not be as obsessed with the cat as the cat is with the dog...

23. The dog may not be as obsessed with the cat as the cat is with the dog...moparoyal

24. Some things in life are truly good.

24. Some things in life are truly good.AggieSSTID

25. You can't hold it against cats for knowing how to work the system.

25. You can't hold it against cats for knowing how to work the system.flying_mason

26. Some homes are better for naps than others.

26. Some homes are better for naps than others.Jen_PTS_Wales

27. "But mother, the special food is SPECIAL. Like ME."

27. ajjolley

28. Is this what they mean when they say cats have nine lives?

28. Is this what they mean when they say cats have nine lives?BridgetBeagle

29. Making himself right at home there!

29. Making himself right at home there!Lady_Amelie_

30. Nobody owns a black cat! Black cats (and all cats) OWN YOU.

30. Nobody owns a black cat! Black cats (and all cats) OWN YOU.K9Magazine

31. Murray knows how to live.

31. Murray knows how to live.buffalovey

32. Suspicious could also read scrumptious.

32. Suspicious could also read scrumptious.SynchromaHQ

33. Exceptionally adorable.

33. Exceptionally adorable.JacquelBenson

34. Cooper is majestic.

34. Cooper is majestic.gravewaxcandles



36. She has chosen.

36. She has chosen.MrsB_03

37. An absolute sweetheart.

37. An absolute sweetheart.chalkitdown

38. This face seems more smug than sorry.

38. This face seems more smug than sorry.Clare_Jennifer

39. This cat is H O L Y

39. This cat is  H O L YKayaLaRoche

40. He's living the good life.

40. He's living the good life.Mumraa