Pet Owners Share “Unflattering Dog Photos” In A Viral Challenge, And These 15 Dogs Absolutely Rule
We love our dogs, even when they are not photogenic, right?

Dogs are man's best friends. They will never leave your side.
They will never disappoint you, even when you simply need someone to make you laugh. Dogs are, without a doubt, the cutest, most perfect, and most charming creatures on the planet.
But we have to acknowledge that even these seemingly perfect creatures don't always look their finest in photographs. That's just the way things go in life.
Cameras have a habit of playing tricks on us, and there's little we can do about it. But dogs have this amazing trait - they can look absolutely adorable even when their photo is absolutely awful.
How can that be? What's their secret?
Some of us could really use the advice, you know... Someone started the #unflatteringdogphotochallenge on Facebook, urging dog owners to contribute the most unattractive images of their woofers they've ever shot.
Yes, this is the ideal task, and people were happy to contribute. We all adore our pets and enjoy photographing them in order to share their adorableness with the rest of the world.
However, things don't always go as planned! Animals, like humans, have their goofy moments, when they are photographed in an unflattering position.
There are tons of hilarious photos, and we have selected 15 of the most interesting ones. Let's take a look:
The concept is straightforward. Simply capture your dogs being their uncomfortable and joyous selves in a humorous moment and post the photo online with the hashtag #unflatteringdogphotochallenge.

While the origins of this fad are unknown, many dog owners have taken part in it, and some "unflattering" canine images have gone viral as a result.

1. More speed!

2. Taking a bath

Despite the fact that most people believe cats own the internet, some individuals believe dogs do as well. It's difficult to say which of the two has more "online real estate," but one thing is certain: they both make people grin.
3. Say cheese

4. Not his best day

5. This dog's face defies gravity

6. Let me sleep

7. Senior Pickles

8. Benjamin wants to be an alpaca when he grows up

9. Alan is so stretchy...

10. Happy feet!

11. So peaceful

12. Derp mode on full auto

13. Just resting a bit...

14. Bonkers...

15. Funny, it is usually the butler who did it...

Everyone believes their pet is the cutest all of the time, but the people who sent these photos disagree. Nah, just kidding.
These proud owners believe their pets are beautiful even when they look like this in photos.
Anyone who owns a pet or knows someone who owns a pet understands how proud their owners are of their furry friends. They want to share their pet with the world, whether it's by putting their phone in your face and asking, "Aren't they sooo cute?!?" or by more subtly changing their backdrop screen to a lovely photo of their critter.
However, some pets are simply not the camera's favorites. But we don't care because they are our favorites.
Are we right?
