Heartwarming Story Of Blind Dog Getting Excited About Sensing Her Favorite Person

Disabled animals are always the most adorable and surprising creatures.

  • Published in Animals
Heartwarming Story Of Blind Dog Getting Excited About Sensing Her Favorite Person

Animals, especially dogs, are amazing and as humans we truly don’t deserve how amazing they are to us. We’ve probably all heard some amazing stories about dogs and how happy they get with their owners and how loyal they are.

There are a million and one reasons to love dogs and seeing how loyal disabled dogs are to their humans prove that even more. There is a lot to say about a dog who is disabled and still knows when their owner is around, which most do.

They are the best little creatures on the planet and they give us love like we’ve never experienced before. With this said, in this particular situation we’re going to look at a dog who is blind but still gets so excited for his owner to show up.

This story is so surprising to hear, and it truly just shows how amazing these animals are and how they can sense us even if we don’t think they can. We’re going to talk about a blind dog who still gets so excited to be with its owner and how it reacts even though it can’t see its owner.

So if you’re curious about hearing this adorable and heartwarming story about this dog then you’ll want to stay tuned as we give you the full story.

Meet Grace, a senior dog who is blind but will be the star of this adorable story.

Grace is now twelve years old, but a few years ago, she was diagnosed with a painful eye condition that eventually made her lose her sight. As a recommendation from her vet, unfortunately, both of Grace’s eyes were removed in a surgery process.

“We ultimately knew it was the best way to keep Grace comfortable and pain-free,” said Shelby Salmela, the mom of Grace. One surprising thing about Grace is that she never lost direction when it came to losing her vision.

Meet Grace, a senior dog who is blind but will be the star of this adorable story.Shelby Salmela

Shelby is seen here cuddling Grace like nothing has changed, because it basically hasn’t.

Grace has always shared a special bond with her owner, and it’s clear that their bond hasn’t been different since Grace lost her vision. In fact, it’s surprising that she still has the same kind of reaction to her owner despite not being able to see her.

When she was able to see she would run up to her owner with all happiness, but nothing has changed since losing her vision. Grace actually had a really special relationship with Shelby's mother and it was amazing to see that this didn't change after having her vision taken away.

Shelby is seen here cuddling Grace like nothing has changed, because it basically hasn’t.Shelby Samuel’s

As you can see here, there is no change in how Grace approaches Shelby's mom and it's amazing to see.


We could watch her videos all day they are so cute.

This adorable photo shows just how much they love each other.

In some ways, not being able to see her grandma could keep her even closer in her heart.

This adorable photo shows just how much they love each other.Shelby Salmela

We love how cute little Grace is and her love makes her even better.

“Grace’s grandma, my mom, moved out of state three years ago, so we probably only see her six times a year,” Salmela said. “But Grace is very attached to her. We FaceTime daily, and even when she hears my mom’s, she gets excited.”

We love how cute little Grace is and her love makes her even better.Shelby Samela

This is such a heartwarming story that we absolutely love to hear. We can't imagine how little grace must feel and her grandma probably feels so special to be the one that gets her all excited despite her disabilities.

This just goes to show that you can do anything, even with impairments.
