Woman Reveals What She Believes Is The Most Unattractive Hobby For Men, Internet Claps Back Hard

A bold claim; an epic backlash.

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Woman Reveals What She Believes Is The Most Unattractive Hobby For Men, Internet Claps Back Hard

When it comes to social media, it only takes one misstep to ignite a firestorm of backlash. One tweet, one controversial opinion, and suddenly, the internet is ablaze with reactions, ridicule, and rebuttals.

This is the reality that YouTuber Liz Wheeler faced recently when she shared her thoughts on what she believes to be the most unattractive hobby a man can have.

Wheeler, a well-known American right-wing commentator, decided to venture into the treacherous waters of dating advice on Twitter. She posted an image suggesting what she claimed were the "least attractive hobbies for men according to women."

However, instead of sparking a thoughtful conversation, Wheeler's post ignited a wave of trolling from both men and women alike.

Critics were quick to point out the lack of a credible source, mockingly referencing her post as "dude, trust me bro." The backlash was swift, with users from all corners of the internet ridiculing Wheeler’s take.

Many found her comments not only baseless but also out of touch with reality, turning what she perhaps intended as light-hearted commentary into a full-blown social media fiasco.

In an age where every opinion can be scrutinized by the global audience, Wheeler's experience shows just how unpredictable online discourses can be.

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Liz Wheeler doubled down, claiming her baseless chart was 100% accurate.

Liz Wheeler doubled down, claiming her baseless chart was 100% accurate.Michael S. Schwartz/Getty Images

The chart claimed that playing video games topped the list of unattractive hobbies with a score of 90 percent. Close behind were collecting figurines at 85, performing magic tricks at 80, and online trolling at 75.

Alongside the image, she confidently stated:

'This is 100% true. Men playing video games is peak unattractive. Beyond red flag. Like dealbreaker zone. It’s weird that so many dudes don’t get this.'

But the community wasn’t convinced, quickly noting:

'There is no source provided for the reported finding, and the percentages are rounded evenly to the nearest multiple of 5, which is implausible.'

Many were skeptical about the claim that women see video gaming as the ultimate turn-off in a man's hobby list.

Many were skeptical about the claim that women see video gaming as the ultimate turn-off in a man's hobby list.Getty Stock Image

'The origin of this image is from a TikToker making a joke post about them being birdwatchers.'

The graph, which sparked so much controversy, was actually first shared by TikTok user @joez4842. With no source cited, it seems the post was designed more to provoke outrage than to inform.

Liz has since explained that she was aware the graph was a joke all along and shared it because she thought it was funny.

Check out the genesis of all this controversy and how Liz responded to it

The post achieved its intended effect, as people were quick to criticize Wheeler for agreeing so fervently.

One frustrated guy chimed in,

'Guys playing video games is their way of escaping the BS they deal with all day. I'd go on to say it is the equivalent of women binge-watching Netflix or endlessly scrolling their Insta feeds. As long as the guy has a steady job and stays physically fit, it shouldn't matter.'

Women also joined the discussion, with one pointing out,

'Men have a lot of crap on their plates, and if a guy takes care of business in every other arena, why the hell shouldn’t he play video games?'

Another person added,

'Nahh, the same girls who hate their man gaming also hate him going out with the boys or doing any hobby or activity that she isn't also into. This isn't about him being anti-social; this is about you wanting his entire world to revolve around you.'

In the end, Liz Wheeler's attempt to label gaming as the ultimate turn-off sparked more eye-rolls than agreement.

Her chart may have missed the mark, but it certainly hit a nerve, uniting both men and women in defense of their right to unwind.
