10+ Terrifyingly Twisted 'True Stories' You Should Absolutely Never Read Before Bed

I didn't plan on sleeping tonight anyways...

  • Published in Weird
10+ Terrifyingly Twisted 'True Stories' You Should Absolutely Never Read Before Bed

Reading scary stories for fun is kind of twisted and addictive, it arrises so many alien feelings in your body that you rarely feel in real life. Being in actual danger can be futile and dangerous, so the safest and closest thing to that is reading about someone else's scary experiences and trying to put yourself in their position. 

It purely depends on how good of a storyteller this person is, if they happen to be good at it, the experience will be completely immersive and realistic, which is really the closest thing to actually going through the exact same thing.


“My mom, younger brother and I lived in an old house for 8 years. For the first few years we lived there, we didn’t talk about what happened because we didn’t really want to acknowledge it, but my brother and I had experienced some of the same things in this house. We felt like we were being watched almost the entire time, and would often get this feeling that if we didn’t leave the space right then that something terrible would happen.

Now, this house is pretty big too. There’s the basement, with the stairs accessible through the kitchen, with the washer and dryer against the wall right by the stairs, and an old wooden door in the back that leads up to the backyard. The first floor has the living room that leads into the dining room and kitchen, then there’s my mom’s bed and bathroom in the back as an add-on. The second floor has mine and my brother’s room side by side, with the bathroom and computer room across the hall.

The basement freaked me and my brother out to the point where we wouldn’t go down there alone anymore, no matter what. I’d gone down there one day in the winter to put laundry in and found that the back door was halfway open. The door didn’t have a lock on it, but it did have a heavy metal pipe shoved under the handle to keep it shut, and this pipe required two people to move. The door was halfway open with the pipe still under the handle. One of the last times I went down there alone, the lights shut off, and when my brother finally got to the switch, I found myself crouched on the ground screaming.


There had been some small events throughout the years, such as finding cupboard doors opened, seeing figures in passing, or the laundry chute flap falling on me. For a couple months, I’d come home from school and take a shower in my mom’s bathroom while she was at work and my brother was at my grandma’s. I kept hearing knocking on the door, and then the sound of a child giggling when I got out to see if anyone was home.

One night I was in the computer room looking out the window trying to get a video of the thunderstorm. I happened to pause the video and noticed a figure in the reflection of the window. I thought it was my brother sneaking up to scare me based on how slow it was moving. I turned around and was overwhelmed with fear when I saw the room was empty.

Another day, I was in the dining room doing homework when I had to run down to the basement for laundry and didn’t want to call my brother downstairs to go with me. I went down, and kept hearing a creaking noise, like someone was standing above me shifting their weight around, but based on the setup of the house, that was impossible.

When I came back upstairs, my brother met me in the kitchen, clutching a bible and a cross and hysterically repeated that ‘He’s angry you went down there, and he’s coming up to get you. He’s so mad, he’s coming up here.’ (Talking about the old man spirit in the basement that we have both seen on multiple occasions) and when I finally got him to calm down and moved us away from the basement stairs, we heard this massive crash from upstairs. It was so big that it shook the house, and we looked at each other and ran outside to wait for our mom to come home. (We later went to see what had fallen and found nothing out of place)

When we finally moved into the new house, it was such an incredible relief to not be terrified of the house.”

By: @collectorofbeavers



“Years ago my mother had a conference to attend in Washington, D.C. My sister and I got to go with her to some of her conferences if it meant educational stuff - and of course, who could pass up D.C.? It was a really fun trip, mostly because getting lost in the Natural History section of the Smithsonian made up for the shitty weather.

We stayed in this old-ass hotel in the city, five floors, had been added onto over the decades so some of the floors rose and fell as you walked through the hallways. It had the slowest elevator ever. The place smelled old, looked old, the whole bit. It even had the crazy fisheye peepholes on the doors that moved so you could look up and down the hallway from inside the room - I’d never seen those before. We had a suite (which I’d never experienced in our travels - it was always a single room), so having a kitchen and living room and not having to be kept awake by my mother’s late-night work was excellent.

The first night, sis and I passed out early in the master bedroom. Mom took the foldout couch in the living room of the suite. She was up late working on her laptop so sis and I had the door closed to the bedroom - my mom is the loudest typist I’ve ever known in my life. All night I heard clicking and thumping from the wall - the wall that the hallway was up against outside the suites. I was creeped the hell out and didn’t sleep well at all. There’s also this weird smell sometimes, like burnt toast. All in all, a rough first night.

Morning came, Mom asks how we slept, and mentions that she was up late and didn’t sleep well either. Sis and I mention that weird noises kept us up all night, and Mom says it was probably the elevator motor. Sis and I aren’t buying it (typical skeptical pre-teens who love ghost stories). Anyway, coffee is made, we decide to check out some of what the Smithsonian has to offer that day. I think it was the Air and Space Museum.

Fast forward to the next morning. Thumps, creaks, and groans all night from the other side of the wall, and I’ve managed to convince myself that it’s the elevator. When we wake up, we’ve decided we’re going to go visit the national monuments on the Mall, and start making plans. Mom asks if we heard the kid last night.

‘Huh? No, we didn’t hear the kid. Hey, thanks for making toast!’ we say as we wander towards the kitchen.


Mom gives us a weird look, and asks if we’ve been smelling it too. Three glances between all of us and we all start to check around the suite for anything that could be burning - Mom mentions she hadn’t bought food yet, so nothing was available except for coffee in the morning. It wasn’t in the kitchen, though, the smell was always right at the doorway between the living room and bedroom. We write it off as drafts from next door.

We were in D.C. for ten days; mainly I remember it being rainy and hating being in that hotel suite. I never saw any other guests, so it was your typical Old Scary Upscale Hotel the whole time. On our last night there, Mom plops down on the bed where sister and I are sitting. She then proceeds to tell us that every night we’ve been there, late at night, she’s been hearing this kid running up and down the hallway. Little footsteps, fast, really late at night.

She’d hung the “Do Not Disturb” placard on the doorknob when we first checked in, and when she’d hear the footsteps stop at the door she could hear the placard being spun around and around the doorknob. She thought it was a kid playing, but it was happening after midnight, and she eventually got annoyed. Each time she got up to check and see if this little kid was out there, the noise would stop just as she got to the door. She opened the door a couple of times, but there was nobody in the hallway - and this was a looooong hallway; it ran the length of the building. So finally, she decides to wait it out and use the fisheye-mobile-peephole to catch the kid in the act.

She stands there and waits, and waits some more. Finally, no footsteps but she hears the placard start spinning. She thought the kid had hidden in the elevator. She’s already got the peephole pointed down, so all she does is put her eye up to it to look and see whose kid has been messing with our door all night.

Nobody there. Placard spinning around on its own, like it’s being twirled on the doorknob. Still not sure how my mom managed not to pee herself and sleep the rest of our stay in that fucking hotel.”

By: causationactuation



“In seventh grade, my entire class went to an old heritage town for about a week.

Since I was a drama student, me and the drama class, about ten people, got to go to the stage and perform there. The theatre was big, bigger than any we had performed in before, and proper, professional-level proper.

So we loved it. After the first practice there, my friend and only other guy had to go to the bathroom, which was far backstage. He made me come with him and stand outside while he was dealing with his needs, cause he was creeped out. So while I was standing there waiting for him to finish his business, the goddamned lights turn off. The ones in the bathroom remained on, but I had to go and turn the hallway lights back on. At the time, I didn’t think much of it. I thought that the other drama kids had played a cruel joke on me, so I remained pretty calm. I find the light switch, turn them back on, and went back to the bathroom.

My friend at that time had finished, and came out, and I hear him down the hallway, “Spitnam? You’re not Spitnam.” I was a bit confused, but then he turns to me, eyes wide as dinner plates. He had seen someone coming down from the other end of the hallway, quickly told me, and then ran back to the stage where the rest of the kids were. I followed.


I then inquired about the lights, asking if they were motion sensitive. They weren’t. I then asked everyone in the theatre at that time if they had turned off the lights. They didn’t. But that wasn’t the last thing, oh no.

Me and bathroom friend came in about halfway into the play, (it was a short skit, about five minutes long,) and during one of our rehearsals, he taps me on the shoulder and points up into the nosebleed section. I look at him, confused, and he says, “Isn’t there someone up there?” I spent a long time looking, and couldn’t find anything, and then our cue came up, so we ran onto the stage. During one of the breaks in my lines, I look up, and there is a figure just chilling in a seat, watching us. I panic a little bit but finish all my lines and go off stage. When Bathroom Friend comes back, I tell him I saw someone up there. He says he did to. After the play is finished, we ask everyone else. They all saw him as well.

Me, being either brave or stupid, decide to go up there and check up close. Bathroom friend came with me. I open the door to the nosebleed section and see this motherfucker sitting in the same seat, then get up as I got closer, make his way up the stairs and walk through a fucking door. Bathroom friend saw it too. My bravery/stupidity continued as I went to those doors and tried to open them, only to find that they were sealed shut somehow, which we later identified as a padlock.

We kept on seeing him every time we went there to practice, and on the day of our performance, I swore I saw him clapping.

Tl;dr: Ghost in theatre turned lights off and watched us perform.”

By: Spitnam



“My friend is a military man and his family owns a house in a rural area in the Philippines (Nueva Ecija, to be exact) . I believe it was some sort of family inheritance. Anyway, the area around the house had been subject to treasure hunters looking for Yamashita’s gold. They decided to put a stop to the digging by going there themselves to address the issue and also have a vacation at the same time. Their whole family went, from his dad who is also from the military, to his mom and his two sisters.

When they got there, their neighbors advised them to make sure that they get inside their house by 5 pm without offering any explanation. They found that piece of advice quite odd but they did so anyway, in case it had something to do with the local wildlife. They stayed in their respective rooms that night but they didn’t get much rest because of the strange things that they saw.

My friend was getting ready for bed when he noticed that outside the window, across the field near their neighbor’s property, there was a big dog-like creature. He went to the window to get a better look and he saw this beast was beside the neighbor’s Volkswagen Beetle. What took him aback was that this “dog” was as big as the car. Then something else caught his eye, a large head sticking out above a line of coconut trees being illuminated by the moonlight, staring right at him (possibly a kapre). He quickly closed the windows and decided stay in bed, not knowing if he was seeing things or not.

That same night, his sisters had been hanging out in the dining area when they saw a curtain floating around. At first, they thought it was just the wind blowing it around so they ignored it. After a few moments, they realized that there was no wind, with the windows all closed and nary a slight breeze. They freaked out and ran to their rooms, hiding under their sheets for the entire night.

His parents weren’t spared from this freak show as well. In their room was an antique closet with nothing in it. At random times during the night, it would swing wide open, making quite some noise and after a while, it would slam shut. They were sleepy and tired from the day so they just let this be, thinking it might have been the wind.


The next morning, they recounted their experiences and decided that for the next night, they’ll all stay in the living room together, figuring that they’ll be safer that way. They wanted to stay since it was a long trip going to their rural house and it felt like a waste if they didn’t maximize the visit.

That night, as planned, they slept in the living room. My friend’s slumber was interrupted by the sound of heavy breathing and hot air blowing in his face. He opened his eyes and his heart skipped a beat after seeing an enormous black mass with red eyes, floating above and staring straight back at him. He immediately closed his eyes and tried to grab his gun but it was just out of reach. He tried to nudge his dad awake who was beside him to no avail. He finally decided to whisper to him, ‘Pa, there’s something on top of us.’ His father then replied in a very annoyed yet freaked out tone, ‘I know. Just shut your eyes and go to sleep.’

They immediately left at the first sign of light. Their week-long vacation reduced to two days. Also, it just so happens that their house is right beside a cemetery.

My friend is a very straightforward guy so coming from him, I tend to believe this story. The only thing he wonders about is not being able to attempt a shot at the floating black thing but he says he doesn’t want to repeat that again. I just asked him to refresh my memory about that story and his hairs were on end, goosebumps everywhere.”

By: DigitalAnomaly


“In the Fall of 2010, I was studying abroad in Florence, Italy. I lived in an apartment with several other girls in a building that was over 500 years old (I know this because a girl threw up on the stairs the year before and the school was charged a great deal of money “for destroying a staircase older than America.”).

Everything was normal until October. I was sitting in bed and only two roommates were home. It was around 1:30am when I heard a girl crying in the bathrooms behind my room. I found that odd because I had thought that the girl who who it sounded like (let’s call her Jane) had already gone to bed hours before. I got up to go see what was wrong.

My bedroom door faced the kitchen door at the end of the hallway that connected the bathrooms to the rest of the apartment, and when I stepped out, I saw my other roommate that was home, so asked if she had heard Jane crying in the bathroom. She had not, so I walked over to the bathrooms.

I called out Jane’s name, but didn’t hear a reply. The wing was empty. I walked over to Jane’s room where I peeked in and saw her sleeping. I figured I was just hearing things because there was no way that anyone in the bathrooms could have snuck past me.

Nothing happened for the next couple of weeks until I was completely alone in the apartment. It was around 1:30 again, and I was sitting on my bed, messaging my friends back home when I heard it. Like a recording, I heard the same girl crying. This time, I was frozen in fear because I knew that I was completely alone. After some silence, I found my voice and asked aloud in Florentine if someone was there. A few seconds went by when the wall I was leaning against (the wall of one of the bathrooms) shook with a bang, like someone had slammed their fist into it. I nearly shat myself. I may have peed a little.

I didn’t hear the crying again until December when, you guessed it, I was alone in the apartment again, in my room. Like before, the crying started around 1:30. I heard the same female whimpering. I sat still and didn’t hear anything after. I somehow managed to fall asleep and I swear I woke up no less than two times because it felt like someone was stroking my cheek. I’m not sure if it was my brain making things up, but I never wake up in the middle of the night.

I never said anything until I was talking to the girl I shared a room with months later. She basically told me that she didn’t want to scare me while we were living there, but every time she was alone, late on weekends, she would hear a girl crying. I was even more freaked out when she perfectly mimicked the crying I had been hearing for months. None of our roommates ever heard the crying, but we’re not sure if it’s because we were right against the bathroom wall.”

By: irresentthat


“When I was thirteen my dad, my older sister and I moved from Cleveland, OH to Wilmington, NC and rented an old one-story house. It had two living rooms separated by a wood-paneled wall. We didn’t use the side that you had to enter through the kitchen. We just stored boxes in that side of the house. We all were kind of depressed because we lived in Cleveland for ten years and we missed our friends.

We only lived there for 6 months after things got intense. It was the only place that my dad ever broke the lease. It started out innocent enough. My dad worked long hours so my sister and I were always home alone and we watched a lot of Johnny bravo and power puff girls. We noticed a long scratching sound one night and she muted the TV. It was coming from the wall behind the TV. The room on the other side was the unused living room. We both went to check but there was nothing there. We told our dad the next day and he put out mice traps but they never caught anything even though the scratching sound continued.

I started sleeping in her bed most nights after that. One night we heard banging in the kitchen but we were too scared to look. In the morning we went out and my dad was making breakfast. He asked us why we opened all the cabinet doors and said that if we did have mice then they would get into the food. We didn’t but we didn’t tell him about the noises.

One morning at breakfast my dad asked me if I remembered anything from the previous night. I said no and he told me what happened. He woke up and I was standing at the foot of the bed staring at him. He was spooked and said my name. I didn’t respond and he told me to go to bed and I just stood there. Then I walked to his window and stared out of it. He asked me what I was doing and I said her crying is keeping me up. He said no one is crying and told me to go to bed. I said okay and walked out. My dad is very no nonsense and doesn’t believe in ghosts at all but he looked really unsettled. My sister looked horrified. She wouldn’t let me sleep in her bed anymore.

About a month before we moved away my sister and I were watching TV. She turned it off and said she had to tell me something. When I was at school she was on the computer. The computer desk was against the wall that had two glass sliding doors with 4 floor to ceiling windows. The doors led to a closed in sun room. She said all of a sudden the glass sliding doors and windows started violently shaking. No windows were open and nothing else in the house shook. And we didn’t live by railroad tracks.

One day it happened to me. My sister was in Cleveland visiting friends and my dad was at work. I was on the computer reading fanfiction. When all of a sudden the glass doors and windows violently shook. I instantly started crying and ran out of the house. I sat on the driveway until my dad came home. I told him but he didn’t dismiss it. He just looked away. I asked if it ever happened to him and he said yes.

A couple weeks later I shot up in bed alerted by loud noises in the kitchen. They immediately stopped. I heard my dad’s door and my sister’s door open. I came out too and my dad turned on the light. One kitchen chair was on the floor. One was on top of the table and the other two were on their backs. We all slept in my dad’s bed that night.

We moved to Chattanooga, TN two weeks later.”

By: Princess_PeachX


“When I was 5, I would visit my aunt Rosemary for holiday. I was flown out from North Carolina all the way over to Vermont. So, it’s the day before Christmas. My aunt Rosemary takes me, my little sister, and my cousin Katy to this weird barn show. I wasn’t really interested in it until I was told there would be horses.

As expected, the whole thing was pretty damn boring. The only fun part was when we got on the hay ride, and aunt rosemary would not stop cracking jokes that were probably funny when she was a teenager.

This part is interesting. The hay ride ends, we get out of the horse-drawn cart and head into the little diner. Aunt Rosemary said she was going to order us some grub, while cousin Katy was busy chatting with her friends.

I remember sitting down in front of a checker board table, with a set of black and white chips to the side. I was staring at the board for maybe two minutes, when I heard someone start to talk to me.

I looked up, and didn’t recognise the man. ‘I’m cousin Ian!! Wanna play a game of checkers?’

I mean, of course I said yes. He said he was my cousin and he was away for a long time, not only that, but I REALLY wanted to play checkers.Ten minutes later of me dicking my way through the game, and Ian allowing me to do so, I finally got all of his white checkers off the board. I celebrated my victory, as he ruffled my head, and told me he had to go.

Years later, when I was 12, I brought the story up to my aunt Rosemary, asking if she remember cousin Ian.

‘Of course I remember Ian,’ she started.

‘He died 13 years ago.’”

By: @my-galaxy00


“Okay so I’m a massage therapist, I work for myself and frequently go to clients homes at night. Whenever I used to have a new client, I would bring my boyfriend with me as kind of a backup.

Anyway, the clients condo was in a really nice area in Chandler, AZ. It was around 8:00 when I arrived. Got out of my truck, grabbed my bag and started looking for the apartment because this was one of those mega complexes and of course the numbers were barely visible. As I was walking around,I noticed that every light I walked by would start flickering really quickly… like the light would be fine one minute and as soon as I walked by it would start flashing. I felt like someone watching me but I shrugged it off and found the condo as quickly as possible.

My session lasted 90 minutes, packed up and headed back to my truck.. except it wasn’t in the spot my boyfriend had parked it in. So I call him,he says he’s coming, that something happened so he had to move. I get in the truck and he was super pale.. and his hands were shaking. I asked him what happened. 

He told me that as I was walking towards the apartments from the parking lot he saw a girl behind me walking in tandem with me almost like a shadow. He said he after he bent down and lit a cigarette, neither one of us were in his line of vision anymore.. not too creepy right? About halfway through his cigarette, he saw someone walk behind the truck really quickly through the rearview mirror. He said it was the same girl. He was starting to feel a little freaked out but nothing too bad. He said he turned on his headphones and leaned the chair back.. to take a nap I guess when he felt a thumping under his feet on the floorboard.

He said he looked out into the parking lot and saw the girl like crawl out from under the hood of the truck and stand up, she walked backwards and stared at him the whole time.. and kind of disappeared into the shadows of the opposite side of the parking lot awnings.

So he peeled out and sat at the nearest gas station which was right next door for the rest of my appointment. Normally, I would have called bullshit, but this guy didn’t believe in the paranormal AT ALL and he was clearly freaked out. Never went back to that particular clients home after that.

TL;DR: Boyfriend harassed by some creepy girl or possibly spirit that climbed under our truck.”

By: NurseNikky


“Back when I was 15 years old, I stayed over night at my grandma’s house in the country. This house I knew was haunted because the time before I slept in her bed and the door knobs to both the closet and the bedroom door started shaking as if someone was trying to turn it but didn’t have the strength.

This particular night I am sleeping on her couch in the living room when I turn off the TV and go to lay down and try to get some rest. On my way over to the couch, directly in front of me, it sounded as if a priest or other church type of voice was singing some type of holy hymn. Kind of like do ré me fa so la te do, you know that kind of thing, but it sounded very holy like you would hear in a church. Mind you it is DEAD SILENT in this house there is no other source for any volume, and it was not coming from another room. It was as if a person was right in front of my face, that’s how close it was. I will never forget it, it sounded like what you would hear at the gates of heaven.”

By: @toohighcantcomedown


“Me and my friends were trying to scare ourselves one night. Five of us loaded up in my buddy’s small pick up truck (Two laying down in the covered truck bed.) and hit the road for the top of the mountain that was supposedly haunted.

We made it to the top of the mountain and thought it was kind of lame. It was dark that night however, like no dark that I have ever seen before. We got back in and went to the edge of town to a old grave yard we heard stuff about. We drove the truck up the dirt path on the graveyard quite some way until we stopped in front of a ditch. Dustin got out and dropped the tail gate and me and the other in the back got out. My friend Ricky and Justin stayed in the truck and Dustin, me, and the other guy were talking in the back. Apparently the grave yard was once a meeting place for cultist in the area.

During our conversation we heard our buddy Ricky screaming and pointing his flashlight up the hill to the right of the truck. We all looked over to see a greenish white something dash from the graves up into the forest. The footsteps were loud, and I mean loud. Dustin ran to the truck to drive and we jumped head first into the truck bed. 

We flew out of the graveyard in reverse until we hit the bottom where we heard them arguing over what they saw and who was going to get out to shut the tail gate. Eventually Ol Rick ran out shut the tailgate and peeled rubber onto the road. We went home talked about it and with our combined accounts we established it looked something like the creepy pasta creature “The Rake”. If interested you can google image “The Rake” and look for the one on the trail cam. That’s kinda like we saw.

We went back several nights under the same conditions and never found anything else. Months later we were discussing the story at my buddy’s house when his Aunt heard us talking about seeing something white in a grave yard. Immediately without her even knowing the story she asked “The graves behind Food City?” (It was.) Apparently a girl was killed there and according to her has been seen in a tight white dress. While it wasn’t a exact match to what we thought we saw it was odd and got me really thinking. This was a year ago and we haven’t went back since. Just thought I would share.”

By: TheDogeOfShibe


“You all think you have stories people won’t believe but I got you all beat. My two best friends and I saw an alien (or el chupacabra because we live in the south), on the way home from the movie theater after seeing SIGNS.

I’m keeping it simple and short. We went to the midnight showing of SIGNS (completely packed and awesome) and left the theater around 2:15am. My two friends are in the front seats and I’m sitting in the back. On the way to one house, the headlights shine on this creature walking on four legs on the side of the road. Even from the backseat, I could clearly make it out. It was hairless and covered in gray skin. I assumed it was a dog. But like a scene from a horror film, it turned and looked at us. It had no mouth or nose, just big eyes. Then I kid you not, it stood up on its hind legs and walked into the woods….

Now like I said, I saw this from the backseat, clear as day. My two friends sitting in the front seats didn’t say a word though so I stayed quiet. But when we got one to guy’s house, my friend that was driving turned his car off and sat for a second, looking at his hands (they were shaking). I saw that and just started screaming. We all saw it but none of us could could say what it was and we told ourselves we would never tell anyone because we had just watched a film about an alien invasion on the same night. We’re all in our 30s now but none of us have forgotten and we still get uncomfortable discussing it.”

By: Koko_Hekmatyar



“My father used to live on the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean, so him and his friends would routinely go fishing in the ocean very early in the morning. As you can imagine, being in the middle of the ocean on a fishing boat gave him and his friends an amazing view of the stars with almost no light pollution.

One night they were out fishing past midnight and what looked like 3 different color lights appeared in the sky above the boat. At first, they appeared to be planets or some other type of light coming from space. However, these lights got larger. They appeared to be moving under their own influence, each one moving separately and of its own accord. My dad and his friends were freaked out, but too scared to move or turn on the engine of the boat.


Suddenly, they began rotating together in a tight loop. Their speed increased and the lights descended on my dad and his friends in the boat. At that point all of them were sufficiently freaked - that’s when they decided to book it, turned on the engine and roared away. For a while it looked like the craft was floating right above them, following them. My dad was absolutely terrified. Everyone was screaming. This craft was keeping up with the boat at top speed, which was going probably about 30mph. The craft then flew away at impossible speed horizontally, streaking out of sight.

My dad is not a believer in the paranormal and is actually quite religious, so when he told me this I couldn’t believe it. To this day, him and his 3 friends insist this is what they saw.”

By: Zidane8998



“My wife and I currently live in a 40+-year-old home in a small town outside Palm Springs, California. Shortly after we moved in 11 years ago, I heard the sound of very heavy footsteps running across the roof. This occurred many times, in daylight. I have heard roofers on the roofs of other homes, so I know the sound of a large person walking across a roof. This was no squirrel, as some friends have foolishly suggested. It was not simply footsteps, however, but running footsteps. I would always run outside and there was never anyone on the roof or near the house large enough to have made such sounds. Several times I came running out to see who was on my roof, and asked the small children next door if they had seen anyone on my roof and they answered no. This continued for several years, on and off, always in the daytime. It suddenly ceased.

Shortly after that, no sooner had I turned off my bedroom light and lay in bed when a male voice in the darkness suddenly said, “Hey!” This infuriated me, and I said “Hey, what? This is my house, and if you are going to speak to me you will speak to me in a normal manner!” 


The voice did not respond. A few days later, just as I lay down on my bed, something invisible plopped down on the bed next to me. This time I decided to be diplomatic and I said, “Hello. How are you?” Whatever it was got up and that was that.

Also, the kitchen light goes on and off of itself in the night. Once I got up to shut it off, and just before I could reach the switch, it went off. I said “Thank you” out loud and went to bed. This is an ongoing thing.

Now I also often see shadows on the living room walls, as if there are people moving about, but no one is there. My wife has observed some of these things as well. There has been at least one death in this house that we have been able to confirm - an elderly male relative of the previous owners. Twice I have succeeded in catching something moving around in the bedroom, moving things about, and what sounds like the microphone being ground into my pillow. I have also picked up murmuring voices, but cannot make out the words.”

By: Nate M.


“When I was 16 my best friend lived across the street from a house that was for sale. Her mom told me that there was an old man that lived there and would call out racial slurs to my friend when she walked by his house on her way to school. He would also yell at the other neighbors, especially children playing in their front lawns or walking in the neighborhood. He eventually died and he had no family to claim his things, so volunteers had to clear his house. In the upstairs room they found a secret door that led to a little room. In the room they found videos and pictures of naked children. There were also journals that he kept that had overall crazy shit written in them. There was writing all over the walls; one of the most notable writings was “make the voices stop."

After hearing this story I was really curious about the house. I would walk passed it on the way to my friend’s and I swear the vertical blinds in the upstairs room would start to sway by themselves. One time I walked up the driveway and heard a big bang in the garage. Freaking out, I ran over to my friend’s and told her.

Well, one summer’s day we were really bored and decided to check the house out. When we came up the driveway, the blinds started moving again. Naturally, I was very curious so I suggested that we check out the backyard to see if anyone was squatting in the house. This house had big windows in the back of it and when you looked in, you could see through the living room, through the front windows, and into the front lawn.

I leaned forward with my hands on the window and peered in. Standing in the front lawn was a woman, in the same stance that I was in, looking at me. The weird thing was, was that I couldn’t see her face. I thought it was someone that saw us go into the backyard but I had this really sick feeling in my stomach. I immediately grabbed my friend and we ran to the front. When we got there, I looked down all of the streets. No cars were driving away, no one was walking away from the house and the lady wasn’t there. I went home after that, a little confused and still feeling a bit sick. I went over to my friend’s house the next day and described the woman I saw to her mother. I said that she had long black hair, down to her waist. And although her face was blurry, she had bright red lipstick on. She was wearing a tracksuit, but one that looked from the 1980s, old school Nike running shoes and all.

My mom’s friend thought that was strange, as that didn’t fit a description of any woman she had ever seen running in the area. A few days after I told her what I saw, I went back to my friend’s. She sat me down right when I got there and told me she had a talk with a neighbor that had been living in the neighborhood for decades. Somehow they got to talking about the old man and how it was so creepy what people found. The old neighbor told her that she thought the old man went insane because of the history of the house. Not knowing the history, my friend’s mom inquired.

Turns out there was a young couple living there in the 80s. The wife had long black hair down to her waist and always wore makeup even when she was in her tracksuit running throughout the neighborhood. Her husband confessed to killing her but refused to tell anyone where he hid the body. She has yet to be found. For the rest of that summer, while lying in bed trying to sleep, I would hear a woman crying. I would check my mother and my sisters who were always sleeping and yet the crying continued. I’m not a huge believer in the paranormal but I have absolutely no explanation for this. Even thinking about it gives me the chills.”

By: katiejayc
