Inside the Biohacking Journey Of A Couple Aiming To Live To 150

Their never-ending daily routine leaves you wondering if you'd even want such a long life.

  • Published in Weird
Inside the Biohacking Journey Of A Couple Aiming To Live To 150

Kayla Barnes-Lentz and her husband, Warren, are on a mission to defy aging, aspiring to live well into their 150s. This biohacking duo invests six figures annually in optimizing their health, following a strict daily regimen designed to extend their lives far beyond the average human lifespan.

For Kayla, 33, the commitment to longevity has been a long-term project, shaping not only her personal goals but also her relationships. From the outset, she made it clear to Warren, 36, that health optimization was a priority, going so far as to request his lab reports before they even met in person.

This early focus on biological compatibility wasn’t about vanity but ensuring they shared similar health philosophies for the long road ahead. For Kayla and Warren, longevity isn’t about immortality; it’s about living a long, healthy life together.

Their inspiration comes from examples of extreme longevity, such as Jeanne Calment, a Frenchwoman who lived to 122 years, the oldest verified human lifespan. While Kayla and Warren hope to surpass that age, their focus isn’t merely on years lived but on quality of life.

By leveraging cutting-edge technology and biohacking techniques, they aim to optimize their bodies to age gracefully and remain vibrant well into old age. Their approach involves a combination of ancient wisdom and modern science, designed to boost mental and physical health in order to achieve optimal wellbeing for decades to come.

Central to their lifestyle is a highly structured daily routine that prioritizes health at every turn.

Mornings begin with a workout, typically followed by soaking in early morning sunlight. Exposure to sunlight upon waking is a key part of their health regimen, as they believe it sets their circadian rhythm for the day and boosts their mood and energy levels.

After this, they engage in Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, using a clinical-grade device to promote recovery and overall vitality. PEMF therapy is thought to help stimulate cells, enhance cellular repair, and improve circulation, giving the couple an extra edge in their biohacking pursuits.

Central to their lifestyle is a highly structured daily routine that prioritizes health at every turn.Instagram/kaylabarnes

Afternoons for Kayla and Warren are equally focused on health. They spend time outdoors, basking in nature’s benefits, and frequently engage in cold water therapy.

Cold plunges, a popular technique in the biohacking community, are known to promote circulation, reduce inflammation, and speed up recovery from physical activity. For Kayla and Warren, it’s one more tool in their extensive health arsenal.

Another key part of their routine is the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which helps the lungs take in more oxygen, enhancing cell repair and boosting brain function. The chamber is small, so the couple alternates its use, ensuring both reap its benefits.

Their evenings are devoted to winding down in a way that continues to support their health goals.

Dinner is always organic and homemade, served around 5:30 p.m., a time chosen to allow plenty of time for digestion before bed. After dinner, the couple takes an evening walk to aid digestion further and relax.

Their wind-down routine includes a sauna session designed to help detoxify their bodies and promote relaxation. As night falls, they adhere to a strict light regimen, using red lights in their home at sunset to avoid disrupting their circadian rhythm. This practice aligns with their desire to live in harmony with their natural biological processes.

By 9 p.m., the couple is in bed, ensuring they get a full night’s sleep to allow their bodies to recover and rejuvenate. Sleep is a cornerstone of their biohacking approach, as it’s during this time that the body repairs and regenerates.

Kayla, who is preparing for motherhood, has also focused on optimizing her body in preparation for pregnancy. She plans to track in-depth health data throughout her pregnancy, hoping to gather new insights into how parental health affects the next generation.

Their evenings are devoted to winding down in a way that continues to support their health goals.Instagram/kaylabarnes

Kayla and Warren’s biohacking journey is one of extreme dedication, driven by a shared vision of living long, healthy, and fulfilling lives together. Their daily habits, grounded in science and wellness, are designed not just to push the boundaries of aging but to maintain the highest quality of life for as long as possible.

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