Woman's Decision To Dress Her Twin Boys In Two Different Colors To Differentiate Them Aggravates Her Husband's Cousin

"The older baby would be blue and the younger one would be green."

Woman's Decision To Dress Her Twin Boys In Two Different Colors To Differentiate Them Aggravates Her Husband's Cousin

One of the most common concerns parents of identical twins have is the difficulty of differentiating between them. Several social media threads are flooded with people asking how to avoid this happening to their families.

One method is to assign a different color to each twin. So, for instance, you could perhaps dress Twin A one way and Twin B another to distinguish them quickly while they're still small.

Some parents choose non-toxic nail polish to distinguish their twins. Doesn't that sound simple and logical?

Some individuals, however, disagree and think that parents' selecting their children's clothes is paramount to restricting their uniqueness. They believe that, within reason, decisions like what to wear to school should be left up to the child, and that allowing children to make some decisions for themselves early on will enable them to become self-confident and independent adults who are less willing to bend to the desires of others.

One Redditor, a mother of identical twins, went to the AITA subreddit to see if she was wrong to dress one of her twins blue and the other green in order to differentiate them. It was a serious concern for her.

Her husband's cousin had accused her of forcing them to dress the way she wanted. In fact, she [the husband's cousin] became enraged and felt it was unjust for her to do that.

This prompted the woman to seek a candid opinion from the AITA community.

Mom Decided To Dress Her Twin Boys In Two Different Colors To Tell Them Apart

Mom Decided To Dress Her Twin Boys In Two Different Colors To Tell Them ApartJoe Goldberg (not the actual photo)

Continue reading to find out how the entire story unfolded, as well as how members of the AITA online community reacted to this rather strange accusation leveled against the mother of these adorable twins.

Was scared of mixing them up

Was scared of mixing them upThrowaway_twin_sons_

One baby blue and the other green

One baby blue and the other greenThrowaway_twin_sons_

What we bought at first

What we bought at firstThrowaway_twin_sons_

Both sides of the family

Both sides of the familyThrowaway_twin_sons_

We let them pick their shirts

We let them pick their shirtsThrowaway_twin_sons_

They know their dresser

They know their dresserThrowaway_twin_sons_

They have different decorations

They have different decorationsThrowaway_twin_sons_

Many people said they were adorable

Many people said they were adorableThrowaway_twin_sons_

Some parents of twins tend to color-code their clothing

Some parents of twins tend to color-code their clothingАнна Аверьянова (not the actual photo)

My husband's cousin cornered me

My husband's cousin cornered meThrowaway_twin_sons_

What I told her...

What I told her...Throwaway_twin_sons_

Could I be wrong?

Could I be wrong?Throwaway_twin_sons_

The large majority of Redditors, as you might expect, came out in complete support of the mother who posted on Reddit. They emphasized that color-coding each child was nothing new for twin parents.

Furthermore, they stated that it is crucial for parents to distinguish between their twin babies at that tender age. Some argue that talking about true, fully-fledged individual identity and making sensible choices for oneself when you're a year and a half old isn't practicable.

Redditors had more to say about this issue, and we've compiled snippets of their comments and reactions for you to read. They had quite a lot to pour out.

They are only a year and half

They are only a year and halfPrettyFly4AYaoGuai

You should have thanked your cousin

You should have thanked your cousinPadloq

Why we are doing this partially...

Why we are doing this partially...geaddaddy

As long as you take your kids' cues

As long as you take your kids' cuesArtichoke-8951

Not at this age...

Not at this age...peithecelt

You are a good parent

You are a good parentthestreetiliveon

If it makes things easier for you, then why not?

If it makes things easier for you, then why not?ApprehensiveGuitar36

How many memories...

How many memories...cassidy11111111

My cousin painted their toenail

My cousin painted their toenailSimplySam4210

Your husband's cousin needs to mind her own business

Your husband's cousin needs to mind her own businessDucky818

It's a pretty smart idea

It's a pretty smart ideaJuniorFix3344

Your kids, your call

Your kids, your callNUT-me-SHELL

Bringing up children requires a slim balance between parental tutelage and influence and respect for children's freedom and privacy as they grow and mature. Being totally hands-off or overly domineering are typically terrible ideas, though either method may work in some families.

Surely, a combination of guidance, discipline, trust, and conversation is usually the most effective. Please share your thoughts in the section below.
