40 Hilarious Memes About Twilight Saga From People Who Are Re-Watching It And Realizing Just Now How Ridiculous It Was
15 years after the books were transformed into movies, people are shook.
- Published in Film & TV
You either love it or hate it - there is no middle. The Twilight Saga movies have been a huge hit and made hundreds of millions of dollars, launching Robert Pattinson’s and Kristen Stewart’s careers.
Almost 15 years have passed since its release, and the movie series still captures viewers’ attention. There is no doubt that a large portion of the audience are new viewers who want to see what all that hype about teen vampires is about, but plenty of adults are also watching it.
When Twilight Saga was first released, they were teens, and they needed a nostalgia rush. And what’s better than watching a bunch of teenage vampires live going through teen love dramas, but with vampires and monsters?
But now we are watching it with different eyes, and we notice some things. Of course, the visual effects weren’t that great even at the time the movies were released, and they look even worse now. But the story - it is timeless. And weird.
And that weirdness has been an inspiration for many memes around the internet. We have selected 40 of the best ones, and we know you are going to love them.
Have we finally learned to appreciate this weirdness? Let’s find out:
1. More mature now...
kpfeffss2. Best picture on the internet?
MinecraftSandBlock3. Power level
AGeekwithaHat4. Unmatched...
seriousglom5. Does anyone know?
buckyflippingbarnes6. A human Capri Sun
lokiscuddlebot7. They look the same...
biticonjustine8. Wash your hands.
pattinsonbats9. Don't get your hopes up...
vndeThe beginning wasn’t an easy one for this movie series. When it premiered, no one could know if Stephenie Meyer’s hugely successful teen novels would be equally successful on screen.
The main actors were unknown to a wide audience, and the budget was really low. Furthermore, director Catherine Hardwicke had only 44 days to shoot it
10. Understood...
bubbly-snail11. No comment...
AthenaSolo291212. Just relax...
youngblondemom13. How sure are you about that?
SuperNsfwZhenya14. So? What's there to know?
MajorPhilebrity15. Rename me!
vampire-ishy16. And i will never stop...
buckyflippingbarnes17. It is never late to start...
sooospontaneous18. It could've ended...
theDMatthewsThe movie turned out to be a huge success, making 469 million on its opening weekend. Melissa Silverstein of Women and Hollywood commented on this phenomenon to The Guardian:
“The part that shocked Hollywood was that the film’s stunning success was fueled by ‘girl power.’ The general consensus in Hollywood is that films and books made for men and boys are seen as ‘universal,’ and things that are made for women and girls are somehow seen as ‘other.’ Women are seen as a ‘niche’ audience. This ‘nichification’ of women has been one of the most enduring problems facing the much-maligned chick flick.”
19. Choose your team...
yeeyee_lily20. Oh, my God...
danieldayslewis21. Love it...
I_late_sorry22. Anemic vampire
merzedees23. I can make you dance...
littleblairwitch24. It could be fun...
the_poop_knot25. Maybe it is for the better...
OfficeMemes_26. This is true
squidslippers27. 13 years. From teen to adult. Nothing else has changed.
DrugSnuggler28. R-Renaissance
does-bella-like-me29. Killer Bella skin
Harvardianae30. Different views...
jessicastanleyfanclub31. So sad...
jadetheskywalker32. Jacob and Renesmee
Twilight33. Google knows everything
DanaSchwartzzz34. What can i do? It is in my blood...
hxnnigspaulson35. I am coming up...
emmetthastiktokforsure36. Love conquers all...
simply_lay_37. Wolfe
seth-my-son-clearwater38. Yeah, they look so in love
oliviasdestiny39. Good one
candy37840. Keep pushing...
povmcuIt turned out that the emo crush was bordering on mass hysteria and has gained a sort of a cult status. Have you seen it recently?
It probably looks a bit naive for today’s standards. But that’s the beauty of it.
When we were watching them as kids, we were emotionally invested. We watch them with a lot more criticism now.
Is that better?