This Woman Claims She Is 'Trans-species' And Spent $60,000 to Turn Herself Into A Dragon

From VP to Dragon Lady in just a few years...

This Woman Claims She Is 'Trans-species'  And Spent $60,000 to Turn Herself Into A Dragon

What a time to be alive! Dreams become reality more so than ever before as more people feel confident to not only follow their dream but advocate on extremely public platforms why they chose their particular lifestyles in efforts to help normalize what seems to be peculiar behavior and choices. Just last month we met Tom Peters, who went on a national daytime television program to normalize his side-life as a dalmatian puppy. We've also seen The Human Ken Doll, and met a couple who has a sex robot with a family mode.

And now we get to meet Eva Tiamat Medusa, the Texas woman who decided she was living a lie when she lived as the vice president for a bank because who she truly was... was a dragon.


One has to ask out of curiosity, what it takes to wake up one day and decide you're done being a head-honcho at a bank and want to be a dragon instead. For Eva it was being diagnosed with HIV. It was only then that she realized she had not been living her life the way she really wanted to.

To make her wildest dreams come true, Eva has had enough cosmetic and surgical procedures to account for $60,000! That may seem like a lot of money to live a fantasy but for Eva it has been a priceless experience finding her happiness.

Instagram - Tiamat Dagon Lady

To be more specific, of course, Eva's decision was not as rash as initially described. For Eva, her connection goes all the way back to her childhood. After being abandoned by her parents at only 5 years-old, Eva says she was "born again" into a family of western diamondback rattlesnakes!


Eva explains:

I have two mothers: One is my original birth mother and my second birth is to my reptilian parents, which are the rattlesnakes.

Instagram - Tiamat Dagon Lady

And Eva is dedicated to her transformation. She describes everything she has undergone in her own words:

I have eight horns on my forehead; I have had my ears removed; my nose reshaped; most of my teeth removed; I’ve had the white-part of my eyes stained; my tongue bifurcated; my whole face is tattooed and I’ve had some scarification and branding on my chest and wrist.

Instagram - Tiamat Dagon Lady

And Eva may be gaining popularity on Instagram but she isn't doing this for anyone but herself. She says:

For me, my transformation is the greatest journey of my life. There are profound reasons and deep meanings about my transformation and why I’m doing it.

Instagram - Tiamat Dagon Lady

And just like others before her who chose to step out of their shell and speak out about their dramatic life choices, Eva has made a passionate and emotional statement herself about why she's in the public eye:

I hope that my story will help other people – not only those who have gone through hard times, but also people who have lost hope.
I myself know what it’s like to be at that point. Before my transformation I was vice president of one of the largest banks in the U.S. and I left when because I became HIV positive and feared I was going to die. My big thing though was I didn’t want to die in this world looking like a human.


And in case you were wondering (because we were,) Eva doesn't just want to look like a dragon. She really believes she is one:

As much awesomeness and goodness there is in humans, compared to other species they are the most destructive and hateful. I decided at that time, that it was time for a change in my life, so I wanted to look like something that wasn’t human.

Instagram - Tiamat Dagon Lady

Well, kudos to Eva for finding her own happiness in the world, even if it's strange and unusual to others, because most people won't be so lucky.
