Redditor Can't Stand Boyfriend's Elderly Dog Because She Can't Control Her Bladder

The dog is 14 years old and she can't control herself anymore, which is driving OP crazy.

Redditor Can't Stand Boyfriend's Elderly Dog Because She Can't Control Her Bladder

Living with pets can bring immense joy and companionship into our lives, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. For one Reddit user, let's call her OP, navigating the trials and tribulations of pet ownership has become a test of patience and understanding in her relationship.

OP's story begins with a love story – not just between her and her boyfriend, but also involving a furry, four-legged companion. When OP and her boyfriend decided to take their relationship to the next level, it wasn't long before his beloved dog became a permanent resident in their shared abode.

However, what started as a harmonious cohabitation quickly turned into a messy situation – quite literally. OP found herself facing a rather unpleasant dilemma: her boyfriend's senior canine companion, at the ripe age of 14, was leaving unwanted surprises around the house with alarming frequency.

It wasn't just a case of the occasional accident; it was a persistent problem that left OP feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Despite her best efforts – from pee pads to diapers – the situation seemed to spiral out of control, leaving stains on the carpets and an unpleasant aroma lingering in the air.

OP's patience wore thin as she grappled with the daily task of cleaning up after the aging pooch. She expressed her concerns to her boyfriend, urging him to take action to address the issue. Yet, despite her pleas, the problem persisted, leaving OP feeling trapped in a cycle of frustration and disappointment.

In a desperate attempt to find a solution, OP turned to the Reddit community for advice and support. The responses poured in, offering a mix of sympathy, practical suggestions, and words of encouragement.

Some suggested a trip to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues, while others empathized with OP's predicament, acknowledging the challenges of caring for an elderly pet.

OP and her boyfriend have been together for almost a year and now they're living together

OP and her boyfriend have been together for almost a year and now they're living togetherSource

They have a great relationship but OP is tired of dealing with his dog

They have a great relationship but OP is tired of dealing with his dogSource

They've tried pee pads and diapers but the problem isn't solved

They've tried pee pads and diapers but the problem isn't solvedSource

People are telling OP to just tough it out since the dog is old

People are telling OP to just tough it out since the dog is oldSource

OP added an update to the original story

OP added an update to the original storySource

OP doesn't agree with how her boyfriend is handling this

OP doesn't agree with how her boyfriend is handling thisSource

They've booked an appointment for the dog

They've booked an appointment for the dogSource

It's time for a trip to the vet

It's time for a trip to the vetu/zeMouse

Wasting money on pads and diapers

Wasting money on pads and diapersu/Ethelfleda

There has to be a better solution

There has to be a better solutionu/dogcatsnake

Try to control the mess at least

Try to control the mess at leastu/jessyjess0610

You're the problem, don't blame the dog

You're the problem, don't blame the dogu/alwystired

With her newfound insight and determination, OP took control of the situation. She sent a heartfelt email to her boyfriend, outlining her concerns and suggesting possible solutions.

While her boyfriend was initially hesitant to take action, citing reasons such as familiarity with their current vet, OP remained determined to find a solution.

After much deliberation, her boyfriend agreed to schedule a veterinarian appointment to look into the possibility of a urinary tract infection, which could be the cause of the dog's accidents.

With a ray of hope on the horizon, OP remained cautiously optimistic, knowing that a positive outcome would provide relief for both herself and her furry housemate.
