You have probably heard of other problems in Target's fashion department already because let's face it, some of the choices there are truly questionable. Remember the floral dresses that went viral and caused a whole trend called #TargetDressChallenge because of how horrendous they were?
Now, another piece has taken over—and it comes in the form of a cute crochet sweater that looks really great and such a steal at a first glance, but certain TikTok users pointed out some pretty suspicious things about this sweater, particularly, its price. Anyone who knows how to crochet or knows someone that has a crochet business will surely raise their eyebrows when they hear that this particular piece only costs $35.
“Something’s fishy about it,” TikTok user @seatrick said in a video. “Everyone who’s ever tried to knit or crochet anything is gasping at that price.”
While it may sound like such a great bargain, you would really be inclined to think how and why the sweater is being sold for such a low price that does not even seem to equate to the time and effort that it takes to crochet a sweater. If you didn't know yet, there are actually no machines that could replicate the intricate stitches of handmade crochet products so keeping that in mind, it's really suspicious that Target would sell them at such a bargain price, far more affordable than actual crochet businesses out there.
Another TikTok user, @MattRose1312, even took the time to calculate the possible and actual rate it would take to make a sweater like the one in question, and it really opened a lot of eyes to the possible exploitation of human labor.
This is the boho-style crochet that everyone seems to be having suspicions over because of its price, which is just $35.
There are a lot of reasons why this price for a handmade crochet sweater is really impossible (and should be impossible), according to @seatrick on TikTok.
Another TikToker even did the calculations on how the sweater is supposed to be priced. They crocheted a granny square and concluded that it takes approximately 17 minutes to create just one square, and they used that information to calculate the overall time process for the sweater.
Given that data, here are the possible prices that would have been more reasonable than the lowly $35.
Just imagine all the time and effort that these people invested in on these pieces.
It's still not right for them to price the products so low.
mardelunaarts / seatrick
"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism."
Always be mindful.
You decide your price.
The bottom line, eat the rich!
Anyone who crochets, understands.
The sad truth.
Capitalism at its finest.
If you still don't get it, rewatch the videos!
We should not be afraid to call out this kind of thing.
We truly feel bad for the workers.
It's truly tragic how much capitalism will go to great lengths just to keep the consumers biting. It's a great thing that the people today are becoming much more aware and have the courage to call out big companies for doing unjust things.
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