Doggie Daycare Attendant Handed This Customer A Surrender Form When He Came To Pick Up His Dog

This customer went ballistic after he was told to surrender his dog. But the question is, why would an attendant make such a request?

Doggie Daycare Attendant Handed This Customer A Surrender Form When He Came To Pick Up His Dog

Dogs are an important part of the family. They provide us with companionship, love, and loyalty.

You can't find a better companion than a dog. They are always happy to see you, no matter what kind of day you've had.

They are always there for a cuddle or a game of fetch. Dogs truly are man's best friend.

That's why it is so important to take care of your pup. These cute critters rely on us for everything, from food, shelter, and even medication.

It is our responsibility to make sure they are healthy and happy. And one of the best ways to do that is by scheduling regular check-ups with the vet.

It even becomes more critical when they are clearly suffering from an illness or injury. That's why one doggie daycare attendant was frustrated at the neglect a customer was showing towards his dog.

In a Reddit post, the lady explained that one particular dog regularly came in with an ear infection. However, as a dog boarding facility, all they could do was clean the drainage off the dog and inform the owner.

Unfortunately, all their reports fell on deaf ears, as the owner refused to take the pup to a vet. On one occasion, she explained the urgency of the situation and the discomfort that the dog was in.

But his response was shocking, to say the least. Well, guess what happened next—the customer was handed a surrender form.

The daycare attendant had finally had enough and decided that it was in the dog's best interest to be rehomed. You best believe the owner was absolutely furious.

Let's get into the nitty-gritty of the situation, shall we?

For more info: Reddit

Here's a background on the story

Here's a background on the storyvariablesquidz /

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Let's see how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"This man obviously has no business owning a dog"

Maybe he should surrender the dog if he's not capable of providing it with adequate medical care.

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"I'd anonymously report him for animal cruelty"

A possible case of animal cruelty here.

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"If he drove there, I'd also be making a call to the local cops letting them know to watch for a driver under the influence"

The daycare assistant did mention that the man was drunk. Hopefully, he wasn't driving.

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"A drunk guy who repeatedly neglects his pet is unlikely to be receptive to your message"

Now we have an idea why he got furious.

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"An untreated ear infection CAN kill a dog or lead to very painful surgery called total ear ablation...That said, yes, you could have handled it more sensitively"

Maybe she could have handled the situation differently.

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"Maybe call the animal police? Could be illegal where you’re at"

Get the animal police on the phone ASAP!

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"NTA, but you did nothing to help that dog. The customer may even decide that he isn't interested in using your facility anymore, and the dog could wind up in a worse situation"

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Great advice, but what are your chances with a drunk person?

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It's heartbreaking when dog owners neglect their responsibilities to their furry friends. But, as this doggie daycare attendant found out, sometimes you have to put your foot down to do what's best.

Maybe she could have approached the situation differently, as her manager said. But regardless, she's sent a strong message to all dog owners out there.

Your pet deserves the best care possible. So please, make their health and happiness your priority. They depend on us for everything and deserve nothing less in return.

We hope this pup is finally getting proper medical care for his ear. It must have been tough dealing with such discomfort for so long.

Do you think the doggie daycare attendant could have handled things better? Let us know in the comments below!
