Hilariously Devious Animal Antics Shared On 'Animals Going Goblin Mode' Twitter

The most unusual pictures featuring animals engaging in a variety of playful and tricky behaviors.

Hilariously Devious Animal Antics Shared On 'Animals Going Goblin Mode' Twitter

You might have heard of something called 'goblin mode' if you've been on the internet lately. It's basically about acting a bit selfish and not feeling sorry for it. People sometimes do things just for fun, like eating lots of candy or staying up late, and they call it 'goblin mode.'

But guess what? It's not just people who can go into 'goblin mode'; animals can too! There's this Twitter page called "Animals going goblin mode," and they post funny pictures of animals doing goofy stuff. These pictures show animals making funny faces or acting like they're going to be little troublemakers.

When we're busy with our everyday lives, dealing with all sorts of complicated stuff, it's nice to take a break and have a good laugh. These animal photos remind us of that. They show us that animals can be funny and silly, just like us.

So, if you're ever feeling weighed down by all the intricate things in life, take a moment to check out these pictures. They're a funny reminder that laughter is important, and animals can be a hoot, too.

Even in the middle of all our complicated problems, a little bit of 'goblin mode' fun can brighten your day. So go ahead and have a good chuckle at these funny animal photos – they're a simple joy in our busy lives.

1. He smiles!!!

1. He smiles!!!mischiefanimals

2. Don't get him wet!

2. Don't get him wet!mischiefanimals

3. What a beautiful kitty!

3. What a beautiful kitty!mischiefanimals

4. The feline Budha

4. The feline Budhamischiefanimals

5. They told him he couldn't fly…

5. They told him he couldn't fly…mischiefanimals

6. Ninja cats

6. Ninja catsmischiefanimals

7. This looks oddly comfortable

7. This looks oddly comfortablemischiefanimals

8. First kiss

8. First kissmischiefanimals

9. Gravity is nothing to the cat

9. Gravity is nothing to the catmischiefanimals

10. Romeo and Juliet, the abridged version.

10. Romeo and Juliet, the abridged version.mischiefanimals

11. Say cheese

11. Say cheesemischiefanimals

12. There is a reason the leash holder is wearing all that protective gear...

12. There is a reason the leash holder is wearing all that protective gear...mischiefanimals

13. The Phoenix Hath Risen

13. The Phoenix Hath Risenmischiefanimals

14. Magnified anger

14. Magnified angermischiefanimals

15. Hungry Hippo..

15. Hungry Hippo..mischiefanimals

16. Can't you guys see he is just making himself some breakfast?

16. Can't you guys see he is just making himself some breakfast?mischiefanimals

17. He looks like he’s having a great time

17. He looks like he’s having a great timemischiefanimals

18. Angry raven...

18. Angry raven...mischiefanimals

19. Well hello there neighbor!

19. Well hello there neighbor!mischiefanimals

20. The squad

20. The squadmischiefanimals

21. He had fun!

21. He had fun!mischiefanimals

22. Cat-terpeller

22. Cat-terpellermischiefanimals

23. Oh, deer.

23. Oh, deer.mischiefanimals

24. Everyone loses their temper with the paparazzi eventually.

24. Everyone loses their temper with the paparazzi eventually.mischiefanimals

25. Hello from the other side!

25. Hello from the other side!mischiefanimals

26. Housebreaking

26. Housebreakingmischiefanimals

27. Seriously?

27. Seriously?mischiefanimals

28. You're not you when you're hungry.

28. You're not you when you're hungry.mischiefanimals

29. Photobomb.

29. Photobomb.mischiefanimals

30. How...

30. How...mischiefanimals

31. A glare of cats!

31. A glare of cats!mischiefanimals

32. Munch

32. Munchmischiefanimals

33. Hell NO

33. Hell NOmischiefanimals

34. Ratatouille!

34. Ratatouille!mischiefanimals

35. Cutest evil clown ever!

35. Cutest evil clown ever!mischiefanimals

36. Oh what a feeling!

36. Oh what a feeling!mischiefanimals

37. Peace was never an option!

37. Peace was never an option!mischiefanimals

38. T-Rex is going down!

38. T-Rex is going down!mischiefanimals

39. Take my money

39. Take my moneymischiefanimals

40. This quack's me up.

40. This quack's me up.mischiefanimals

41. Clifford?

41. Clifford?mischiefanimals

42. Baby fangs

42. Baby fangsmischiefanimals

43. Well, he's dedicated,

43. Well, he's dedicated,mischiefanimals

44. Mine!

44. Mine!mischiefanimals

45. Mistakes were made.

45. Mistakes were made.mischiefanimals

46. Demon mode activated

46. Demon mode activatedmischiefanimals

47. Big hug

47. Big hugmischiefanimals

48. Boo

48. Boomischiefanimals

49. That sandwich is definitely gone

49. That sandwich is definitely gonemischiefanimals

50. You're in MY seat!

50. You're in MY seat!mischiefanimals

Remember, life doesn't always have to be all serious and complex. Like these animals, we all need some fun sometimes.

So, when you're feeling stressed, don't be shy about being a little silly, having a good chuckle, and enjoying the fun side of life. Who would've thought that a funny animal photo could be like a magical laughter potion? We could all use more of that in our lives. In a world with lots of tricky problems and important things, a bit of goofiness and laughter can make everything better.

Embrace your inner goofball and let the good times roll!
