Dad Yells At Teacher After Finding Out She Ignored His Son's Warning That He Was Going To Pass Out
"She has no business teaching children."

Being a teacher, you automatically take on the responsibility of prioritizing the children you teach. This means doing what you can to take care of them and contribute to making sure they are safe under your care.
Failure to even try to do that can lead to consequences. An example can be seen in a r/AITA post a dad made.
OP told Redditors how his son had episodes of passing out, and they taught him how to deal with it so he wouldn't hurt himself. His son was typically obedient and also did his part of following instructions.
However, one time OP got a call from his son's school telling him that his son had passed out. It wouldn't have been too worried, but then the nurse told him that his son had hit his head when he fell.
OP was confused since he had taught him to lie down when he felt that he was about to faint. After a day, he asked his son what happened.
This is where he started to get angry. OP's son told him that he tried to inform his teacher what he was feeling multiple times, and a friend even came to his aid, but it only resulted in both of them getting yelled at.
OP arranged a meeting with the teacher and the principal the following Monday. The teacher tried to deny what OP's son had told him, and this was when OP snapped and started screaming at her.
He explained that the school and teachers were aware of his son's episodes before the incident. Although, according to his parents and some of his friends, he shouldn't have lost his temper that way.
This is the situation OP was in

OP held off asking his son what happened and when he found out he got angry

His son was accused of trying to avoid participating in the lesson

OP let out his feelings in the meeting the teacher

He clarified some things

Some people implied that the actions of the teacher is the same as the way bullies are

And that she deserved the way OP acted towards her

It's very unfortunate that schools don't often respond well until there's actual diagnosis

The teacher was also aware of her student's episodes at that point which was already worrying

Parents would probably do what OP did given the situation

Legally, OP could do something more to have people be aware of the teacher's behavior

The situation shed light on how the teacher viewed her students

Since OP is in the process of having his kid diagnosed, it would be helpful if he could follow this advice

It would help them if a similar problem would arise in the future

This Redditor understands why OP did lose his temper

But a lot of the comments stated that it was just fair

In this problem, OP was voted as NTA. People suggested that he does something legally and have other parents involved so they could raise awareness.
They understood why OP lost his temper as well since his kid's safety was involved. OP is continuously involved in the process of finding out what the diagnosis is for his son's symptoms.
