Exploring The Forgotten - A Glimpse Inside An Abandoned Artist’s Home In Rural France

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Exploring The Forgotten - A Glimpse Inside An Abandoned Artist’s Home In Rural France

In the quiet countryside of France, there are old mansions and houses that nobody lives in anymore. One of these mansions used to belong to a famous artist and collector a long time ago.

But now, it's been left alone for over ten years, with everything inside just sitting there, waiting for someone to come take a look. Some people like to explore these old places and share what they find on social media.

But for one person, exploring isn't about getting famous. It's more like an art form, something they enjoy doing and sharing with others.

Exploring these old places isn't easy, though. Sometimes, barriers are blocking the way, put up by locals or other explorers who want to keep the place to themselves.

The explorer respects these barriers and won't go in if it's closed off. Before going on an adventure, there's a lot of planning to do.

They have to figure out how to get there if it's safe to go inside, and find the best way to get in. They also need to bring the right gear, like a camera, a mask to protect against dust, water to stay hydrated, and a flashlight for dark places.

And they always bring bandages in case they get hurt. But exploring old places isn't always safe. Sometimes, things can go wrong. Exploring abandoned places can be dangerous.

Still, for those who love the thrill of discovery, it's worth it. Each old building has its own story to tell, and there's always something new to find. And as long as there are forgotten places waiting to be explored, there will always be people willing to go on the adventure.

The exterior

Renowned New York photographer and urban adventurer, Brian Zanzivero, embarked on a journey to the picturesque French countryside. There, he stumbled upon an ancient abandoned estate, steeped in history, once inhabited by a renowned artist and collector.

Astonishingly, the interior of the house had remained undisturbed for over a decade following the passing of its final inhabitant.

The exteriorInstagram

The living room

The living roomInstagram

Yet another corner of the living room.

Yet another corner of the living room.Instagram

The kitchen.

The kitchen.Instagram

Another section of the kitchen.

Another section of the kitchen.Instagram

A bedroom

A bedroomInstagram

Bedroom details.

Bedroom details.Instagram

The library

The libraryInstagram

The ambiance of a home library.

The ambiance of a home library.Instagram

Clothes downstairs

Clothes downstairsInstagram

Artist’s studio

Artist’s studioInstagram

A detail on the sewing machine.

A detail on the sewing machine.Instagram

Another bedroom

Another bedroomInstagram

Main staircase

Main staircaseInstagram

Master bathroom

Master bathroomInstagram

A bathroom cabinet

A bathroom cabinetInstagram

The study

The studyInstagram

An upstairs room

An upstairs roomInstagram

Another upstairs bedroom

Another upstairs bedroomInstagram

The upstairs bedroom closet.

The upstairs bedroom closet.Instagram

The second bedroom upstairs.

The second bedroom upstairs.Instagram

A Bed with a Doll.

A Bed with a Doll.Instagram

Exploring abandoned places is more than just a hobby for some—it's a passion, an art form, and a journey into the past. Despite the challenges and risks involved, the thrill of discovery and the opportunity to uncover hidden stories make it a rewarding endeavor.

As long as there are forgotten places waiting to be explored, there will always be adventurers willing to embark on the journey, reminding us that even in solitude, the echoes of history are waiting to be heard.
