Redditors Share 35 Of The Strangest Things That Occurred At Their High Schools, And Their Stories Are Absolutely Crazy

These stories are definitely iconic.

Redditors Share 35 Of The Strangest Things That Occurred At Their High Schools, And Their Stories Are Absolutely Crazy

It's not simple to spend multiple hours a day in a dull room with obnoxious children of varying ages. Still, chances are good that you won't be able to forget about the exciting adventures you had there once you've reached maturity.

A well-known story can be found at each and every educational institution, and if you're ready to read some great stories, you can take a chair and continue reading. Perhaps the class clown has outdone themselves by pulling one of their legendary stunts, or a few employees have been found having an affair.

An anonymous Internet user went to a popular subreddit and requested its members to tell him or her about a memorable moment from their school days that they hoped would be passed down through the ages. The Redditor posted, "What was “The Incident” at your High School?"

Nearly 12,000 people viewed the thread, and there were 8,600 comments and anecdotes posted in response to it. People have shared various stories from different schools and times in this online community.

If you are curious about these bizarre events, you can scroll down and read the whole post or view the original post from Reddit. Chances are, some of these events might be familiar to you, or you might even be a witness to one.

1. When the legend itself is right in front of you and you don't realize it.

1. When the legend itself is right in front of you and you don't realize it.Reddit/ HeyLikeableZest | Bart Everson

2. I'd love to see the actual car tho.

2. I'd love to see the actual car tho.Reddit/ The UnusualBread | Hans Splinter

3. Indeed some things happen for a reason, to make us a better version of us.

3. Indeed some things happen for a reason, to make us a better version of us.Reddit/ banvillesghost | Daniel Lobo

4. Greatest plot twist.

4. Greatest plot twist.Reddit/ jackfaire | Phillip

5. That is why DO NOT keep your things UNATTENDED.

5. That is why DO NOT keep your things UNATTENDED.Reddit/ DisturedParadise | United Soybean Board

6. This will really wake you during morning ceremonies.

6. This will really wake you during morning ceremonies.Reddit/ itsanewyearplayboyy | Theresa

7. "Still feel bad for her" - I too.

7. Reddit/ rollercoaster_5 | Images

8. Nooooo! By far the thing I really cannot tolerate.

8. Nooooo! By far the thing I really cannot tolerate.Reddit/ beauhommad |

9. The talent really runs in their blood.

9. The talent really runs in their blood.Reddit/ Highly-Aggressive | girlnamedtom

10. Why would they try to burn down a school tho?

10. Why would they try to burn down a school tho?Reddit/ OLDGuy6060 | Joe Lodge

11. Perhaps the cancellation of extra curriculars is too much for them.

11. Perhaps the cancellation of extra curriculars is too much for them.Reddit/ Creatorschilde | Mark Dixon

12. Interesting.

12. Interesting.Reddit/Timidlzzy | jkjen

13. I've heard the same rumors in my school before, this is a thing. lol.

13. I've heard the same rumors in my school before, this is a thing. lol.Reddit/ Went2eleven | Takumi Yoshida

14. How did his/her head got stuck in the chair tho?

14. How did his/her head got stuck in the chair tho?Reddit/ Satans_hellhound_ | Threatreworks Props

15. Why would a student do that? These kids!

15. Why would a student do that? These kids!Reddit/ ClansyIsDuck | U.S. Embassy Maldova

16. Indeed sad and wholesome.

16. Indeed sad and wholesome.Reddit/ wokeandsmoke | Nicolas Boullosa

17. Cheating skills pro level, I guess.

17. Cheating skills pro level, I guess.Reddit/ Environmental_Ad5690 | Wonder Woman0731

18. She intended to get expelled.

18. She intended to get expelled.Reddit/ Regular_Ship2071 | Kristina DC Hoeppner

19. I would do the same thing, lol.

19. I would do the same thing, lol.Reddit/ Not-so-rare-pepe | Tracy Hunter

20. I like the "comeback hack" part.

20. I like the Reddit/ numbskull56 | Katie Walker

21. Dirt bikes at school.

21. Dirt bikes at school.Reddit/ Loud_Butterscotch110 | Niel Rickards

22. Is this like a self-karma?

22. Is this like a self-karma?Reddit/ dwahl1230 | Jeffrey Beall

23. The kids and the firewoks.

23. The kids and the firewoks.Reddit/ FEARLovingGirl | bayasaa

24. Iw, disgusting!

24. Iw, disgusting!Reddit/ yoda_81 | Phil Roeder

25. "Chlamydia Outbreak"

25. Reddit/ Lukeyleftfoot | Presidencia de la Republica Mexicana

26. What's the issue of having too much pep?

26. What's the issue of having too much pep?Reddit/ Eron-the-Relentless |

27. RIP to her.

27. RIP to her.Reddit/ Longkoala9542 | SmartSign

28. The student must have had severe anger issues.

28. The student must have had severe anger issues.Reddit/ Neph88 | Educators

29. As the saying goes, "You'll only die if it's your time to go."

29. As the saying goes, Reddit/ Glad-Weekend-5119 | Geoff Henson

30. The school? Burned? TWICE?

30. The school? Burned? TWICE?Reddit/ MadPat | Kai Schrieber

31. "Humorous senior prank."

31. Reddit/ level 1 DamnPillBugs

32. What could probably be the reason that they are fighting?

32. What could probably be the reason that they are fighting?Reddit/ treborcj

33. Boys will be boys.

33. Boys will be boys.Reddit/ superalex888 | Gary Knight

34. Jerry Springer.

34. Jerry Springer.Reddit/ Leona_Faye | Brett Weinstein

35. Poor raccoons. They don't deserve that.

35. Poor raccoons. They don't deserve that.Reddit/ s3rndpt | ZeMoufette

High school is definitely one of the most unforgettable parts of our lives, and it can teach us a lot of life lessons. However, it is not always fun because there are also instances when we are confronted with the most unexpected things, and these stories definitely sum up some of that.

If you have similar experiences, please feel free to comment down below. Like and share more stories!
