20 Perfect And Oddly Satisfying Images People Shared Online

I can feel my blood pressure going down

20 Perfect And Oddly Satisfying Images People Shared Online

We live in a crazy world and live such hectic lives. We are surrounded by people rushing somewhere and we believe we have to do the same. And sometimes (and we know it happens to you too) we start catching ourselves rushing, but not knowing where.

We are rushing just for the sake of rushing. We are so used to it that we don't know any other way. But, we need to take a breather and relax.

We need to clear our minds from everyday worries, errands, and commitments and simply enjoy the moment. Enjoy life, nature, and the world around us.

Nothing is more enjoyable than viewing a totally gratifying video or observing the ideal image. In order for you to collectively read through and utter the word "ahhh," we have collected twenty superb examples from the "Oddly Satisfying" subreddit.

The group prides itself on being on a quest to gather "those tiny things that are very rewarding." I'd say they succeeded. Everyone's definition of perfection is unique.

Others find perfection in discovering spherical stones (or cats...), or in how their Tic Tacs line up precisely within the box. For some, perfection is when a shadow perfectly lines up with the sidewalk.

Whatever your definition of perfection is, you're certain to find it in this attractive list that was put together. Take a look at these amazing photos and you will understand what we mean:

1. "The reflection looks like a moon"

1. micheas08 / Reddit

2. "This plant growing up a palm tree"

2. Lost_Elephant

3. "Leaf art"

3. asilvertintedrose / reddit

4. "Washing a sheep"

4. sailorjupiter28titan / Reddit

5. "Load up the moon"

5. UncleSquach / Reddit

6. "The deformities in this carrot make it look like its walking"

6. asilvertintedrose

7. "Fall Trees With The Beautiful Colors"

7. yingnikan69

8. "Lime cross-section"

8. boughtarock

9. "Lined up zebras"

9. scot816 / Reddit

10. "Kitty curl"

10. tobago_88 /Reddit

11. "After ordering some shrimp, customer returned the plate like this [not OC]"

11. toriaces

12. "This beetle's shell is so reflective its like a mirror"

12. u/asilvertintedrose

13. "Cottage cheese cloud"

13. Jessieface13 / Reddit

14. "The calm before the storm"

14. Palifaith

15. "Curled fox"

15. sirblocksnall / Reddit

16. "This non-edited photo of salt mountains in Iran still look beautiful."

16. asilvertintedrose

17. "This wall art I saw on a library"

17. u/tim_drozd

18. "An Entire Alphabet Is Carved Into A Pencil"

That's some craftsmanship

18. jocoiscool

19. "These are actually plants!"

Lithops are South African plants that have evolved to look like stones.

19. StcStasi / Reddit

20. "Japanese rice field art"

It looks amazing, doesn't it?

20. thera123

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. We would add that peace lives in everyone’s heart, we just have to find it. We need to find that special place and that special feeling that makes us calm and happy and thinks of it whenever the stress makes us feel like we are going to burst into flames.

And there are so many beautiful things around us. We just have to learn how to acknowledge them. How to really see them and understand them.

Enjoy simplicity and enjoy beauty. And calmness will follow.
