Former Spouse Of Entitled Person Details How His Ex-Wife's Privilege And Horrific Treatment Of Child With Disability Pushed Him To File For Divorce
"My then-wife had the audacity to tell this woman that my daughter needed it because she has autism and her daughter didn’t."
- Published in Interesting
We often hear accounts of people who had the misfortune of crossing paths with an entitled person. In this Reddit post, we saw the perspective of someone who was married to an entitled person.
The OP's ex-wife, Emily, grew up in an affluent family. OP accepted Emily's entitlement and need to live a lifestyle similar to the one she grew up with.
He hoped that the realities of regular life would help his then-wife to check her privilege. Emily was also generous and loving to those she cared about.
The problem was she expected everyone, even complete strangers, to be as generous to her as she was to others. Emily also believed that she and their children could do no wrong.
She only realized her mistakes after an extensive discussion with OP. He painstakingly explained to Emily how and where she went wrong.
OP had no illusions about his wife's entitlement. He was aware that she had unfair expectations of how she should be treated by everyone she crossed paths with.
An incident at a supermarket was the beginning of the end of their relationship. OP, Emily, and their daughter with mild autism went to Tesco to seek out a Luna Lovegood Funko Pop their daughter needed for her collection.
The figure was almost always out of stock at the store they went to. Their daughter immediately ran to the toy aisle to check if they had the collectible she wanted.
OP and Emily allowed their daughter to look for the figure by herself. In less than a minute, they heard her scream and rushed to where she was.
They found their daughter trying to pry the Luna Lovegood figure out of another girl's hands. The girl in the wheelchair was trying to keep the figure out of reach of OP's daughter.
The girl's mom was trying to get in between them without having to touch OP's daughter. Emily stomped and got into the other mom's face.
"Don't you dare touch my daughter," Emily told the other mom.
u/FicklestPickleThe other mom said she wasn't. She was trying to stop OP's daughter from hurting her kid. OP found that unfair since his daughter has never been violent with anyone.
u/FicklestPickleWith what was happening, he understood why the other parent would assume that outcome.
u/FicklestPickleEmily was offended by the insinuation. She said their daughter would never hurt *insert slur used to demonize people with mental disabilities*
u/FicklestPickleThe other parent stepped closer to OP's wife and calmly warned her not to use that word to refer to her daughter. Emily looked at OP for support, but all he could do was stare back at her.
u/FicklestPickleOP couldn't believe Emily used such a hateful word. OP went to his daughter and stopped her from trying to take the figure from the other girl.
He apologized to the other girl's mom and even offered to pay for the figure. The other parent declined OP's offer, which was more than understandable.
u/FicklestPickleEmily yelled at OP because he didn't side with her. His wife tried to pick a fight with him in the store, but OP waited until they were in the car before he responded.
Emily saw why she was wrong after OP explained the incident. What happened at that supermarket was one of the reasons why their marriage ended a few weeks later.
u/FicklestPickleWe typically read about people bulldozed by entitled individuals but never the spouse of one.
JuuzouBearThat was so hateful on Emily's part. The fact that OP had to explain why she was wrong should make her feel ashamed.
sugandrew, atomizedshucksAs if that wasn't enough, she tried to start a debate why her child's autism made her more deserving of a toy.
Sloths_GaloreOP explained why he still bought their daughter the collectible. He lectured her about how unacceptably she behaved and made it clear that the toy wasn't a reward.
u/FicklestPickleOP is in search of an appropriate subreddit to share his entitled ex-wife stories.
u/FicklestPickleWell, this was an interesting story. It must be hell to co-parent with someone like Emily.
She was monstrous to the other parent and her daughter. We can understand being a protective parent, but to attack another one unprovoked is just gross.
We doubt she knows that her entitlement cost her her marriage.