22 Spectacular Action Movies That Made Their Respective Franchise Bigger And More Explosive

These movies pushed the franchise further to the heights of success.

22 Spectacular Action Movies That Made Their Respective Franchise Bigger And More Explosive

Action movies have always been popular. They're thrilling, they're full of excitement, and they often have a bit of humor mixed in.

But why did action movies get sequels in the past? It's simple, really.

The formula for an action movie is relatively straightforward. There's a hero, there's a villain, and there's a lot of action.

And usually, the hero wins in the end. But what happens after the credits roll?

The villain is defeated, and the hero has saved the day... but there's always a potential for more adventures. So filmmakers started making sequels to continue the story.

And it's not just action movies that get sequels. Many other genres have sequels as well, including comedy, drama, and even horror.

But why do we love sequels so much? It's because we're invested in the characters and the world that they inhabit.

We want to see more of their adventures and see how they grow and change over time.

Sequels are usually big and explosion-filled. That's because studios know that audiences want more of what they loved in the first place. More action, more thrills, and more explosions.

Some of the most successful sequels ever made are action movies. The Bourne series, Die Hard franchise, and Mission: Impossible films are all excellent examples of this.

In today's post, we collected some of the best action movie sequels ever made. So if you're looking for something exciting, these are the films for you.

Action movie sequels were frequently the most exciting films one could watch in theaters before the existence of the "cinematic universe."

Moviegoers would look forward to bigger and more explosive action scenes as they wait for the next part. Today, we're going to look at 22 of those films.

Action movie sequels were frequently the most exciting films one could watch in theaters before the existence of the Antonio Gravante / Getty Images/EyeEm

1. Crank 2: High Voltage

1. Crank 2: High VoltageLions Gate / Courtesy Everett Collection

2. Magnum Force

2. Magnum ForceWarner Bros. Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

3. Rambo (2007)

3. Rambo (2007)Lionsgate / Weinstein Company / Millennium Films / Ronald Grant Archive / Courtesy Everett Collection

4. Desperado

4. DesperadoColumbia Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

5. Police Story 2

5. Police Story 2Golden Way Films Ltd. / Courtesy Alamy

6. Die Hard 2

6. Die Hard 2Courtesy Everett Collection / Ronald Grant Archive / Mary Evans

7. Mad Max: Fury Road

7. Mad Max: Fury RoadWarner Bros. / Courtesy Everett Collection

8. Undisputed II: Last Man Standing

8. Undisputed II: Last Man StandingMillennium Films / AF Archive / Courtesy Alamy

9. Lethal Weapon 2

9. Lethal Weapon 2Warner Bros /Courtesy Everett Collection

10. Fast Five

10. Fast FiveUniversal / Courtesy Everett Collection

11. Beverly Hills Cop II

11. Beverly Hills Cop IIParamount Pictures / Don Simpson / Jerry Bruckheimer Films / Collection Christophel / Alamy

12. Bad Boys 2

12. Bad Boys 2Columbia Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

13. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

13. Mission: Impossible - Ghost ProtocolParamount Pictures / Entertainment Pictures / Alamy

14. The Bourne Ultimatum

14. The Bourne UltimatumUniversal / Courtesy Everett Collection

15. The Karate Kid, Part II

15. The Karate Kid, Part IIColumbia Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

16. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

16. Universal Soldier: Day of ReckoningMagnet Releasing / Courtesy Everett Collection

17. Rush Hour 2

17. Rush Hour 2New Line Cinema / Courtesy Everett Collection

18. The Road Warrior

18. The Road WarriorWarner Bros / Courtesy Everett Collection

19. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

19. Terminator 2: Judgment DayTriStar / Courtesy Everett Collection

20. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

20. Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeParamount Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

21. The Raid 2

21. The Raid 2Sony Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

22. Rambo: First Blood, Part II

22. Rambo: First Blood, Part IICourtesy Everett Collection / TRISTAR PICTURES / Ronald Grant Archive / Mary Evans

What makes a good action sequel?

First and foremost, it has to have bigger and better action set pieces than the original. The sequels that fail usually do so because they don't live up to the hype in this department.

Secondly, a good action sequel needs to have a strong story. This is what will keep audiences invested in the characters and the world.

Finally, a good action sequel should have some surprises in store. Whether it's a major plot twist or a new character, audiences should feel like they're getting something new and exciting.

If a sequel can deliver on these three fronts, then it's sure to be a hit with audiences. Otherwise, it'll only be a rehash of the original movie with bigger explosions and less plot.
