An Online Community Has Listed Double Standards Happening In Our Everyday Lives That Really Bother Them
Double standards are unfair. Standards are methods of assessing somebody, and a double standard is favoring one over another.
- Published in Interesting
A double standard is a guideline or rule that is unjustifiably applied in various ways to different individuals or groups. A double standard is a strategy that favors one group or individual over another.
Standards are methods of assessing somebody, and a double standard is favoring one over another. It can be likened to having a standard that applies to certain individuals in one way and another way to other people.
Double standards are unfair, and there are those of us who have no choice but to face the situation of this double standard. It is a double standard to advise people to open up and then call them weak when they do.
A double standard is when men are compensated more than women for doing the same work. Government officials making rules they can't keep is a double standard.
Employers fixing a time and not keeping to it is a double standard. Whenever some are held to a higher standard than others, there's a double standard since everybody isn't being treated the same way.
Some people feel that having people under them automatically gives them the right to be biased, but that is not right. And this is what the Reddit community has trashed in this article.
Scroll further to have a look at different double standards that are just so annoying.
u/SecretSquirrel2204Here are the top comments from the reddit community.
Management and their rules...
Happens that the rules is meant for the employees and not the management.
fantastictangentPeople and believing information they see online without confirmation
rtvfrvlGetting into work early versus leaving the workplace early
ElwandaPurnellAnnoying double standard
You can imagine being told to be free and when you're free, you're referred to as being loose.
callmefinnyYou want something good but you don't want to be inconvenienced
alpha1729Why do some employers do this?
It is so annoying...
lanakersLiterally recycling their own garbage
FishermanfrienamyI will never truly understand this...
chasinbirdiesMen can make hair and they're pretty good at it too...
No_Leader_2711Show your emotions versus when you show it
dirty_boy69But seriously, they are daddy's kids as well...
RepublicOfMoronAddressing the male babysitting issues...
zed910So annoying...
Can everyone just get a chance to do something that they're good at, even if it's gender-inclined?
SoonBrittainLol...long showers is a no no
...cos it's believe something else is keeping you in there.
No-Yesterday-1195What! This shouldn't be acceptable
KajimusprimeThis is so heartbreaking...
hsox05A technically legal type of stealing
wuerstlfriedaPoliticians and making laws they can't keep...
rijjzSingle people have a life as well
There should be no bias in the workplace just because one person has kids and the other doesn't.
DulceEtBananaSnitches get stitches
NotAKitty2508Serious advice
Deadarchy40This is funny but still annoying
Kalle_79Not gonna argue this at all...
BookishPiscesTotally bruised
realbruhmoment2If we really look deep into our everyday lives, we might even find ourselves guilty of this double standard kind of life. From the little things we do in our own space, all the way to our daily life, we might come across people with double standards.
Have you come across anyone with a double standard kind of life? Let us know by dropping a comment below.