20 Cute Animal Pictures Perfect For Inspiring Your Daily Smile
There's nothing quite like enjoying some pictures of cute critters to brighten your mood

Thank the heavens that we’ve evolved alongside our animals to create the perfect co-existence with the literal cutest things ever. I wouldn’t even dare try to imagine a world without them.
Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about that. And there won't be a shortage of cute animals in the world in many lifetimes.
What’s more, these cuties show and prove that you don’t have to be or look perfect to be considered cute. Their imperfections make them even more endearing.
If you’re feeling down about yourself, take a page from the animal book of cuteness: no matter what size, shape, color, missing or imperfect bits, you’re still cute as hell. And this is 100% the hill I’m willing to die on.
We’ve collected 20 animal photos from r/Awww, a subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures, that are just cute for the sake of having cute things to look at. There’s literally no better way to spend 5 minutes than scrolling through these pictures.
And yes, I know, life is busy and hectic, but that’s even more reason to give yourself a little break. You deserve it, just as much as these cuties deserve to be fawned over.
So, if you’re struggling to do it for yourself, do it for the adorable animals. It’s a win/win.
Keep scrolling to check out what we’ve gathered!
1. "My little one eyed couch destroyer"
Goes to show you don't need two eyes to achieve your goals.

2. "Everybody say hello to our brand new, rescue cat, Padmé"
Hi, Padmé!

3. "Barry got chipped and vaccinated today! He was so brave at the vets"
We're so proud of you Barry!!

4. "He may not be a cutie but my boy turned 25(human years) today and I wanted to share his beauty with all of you"
OP is right, he's not a cutie, he's a MAJESTIC AND GORGEOUS ETHERIAL KITTY

5. "The perfect selfie doesnt exis-"
Why are black cats considered bad luck? Every single one I've met is just a ball of ridiculousness.

6. Sometimes, pets choose their owners.
"This kitten followed me home like 8 blocks and then after that, she broke into my house back in July of 2019. I wasn't even mad I decided to keep her and I named her Shadow because she always sneaks up on people. She's such an awesome friend to me."

7. "Charlie got his balls snipped today and he hated the cone but is VERY okay with this plate instead. Here he is, purring."
Great brainstorming to help Charlie!

8. "This little fox has been visiting my family several times lately"
It's going to keep coming back until they finish their side quest.

9. "A friend of mine sent me this photo of her trying to read :)"
We were given two hands for a reason, one to do whatever we need to do, and one to pet our cat.

10. "My dad meeting his first granddogger"
That's a proud grandpa right there

11. Floppy bunnies are happy bunnies
12. "My surgery patient was cold so the only logical solution was to warm her up while I did my medical records. She’s doing great!!"
Besides the fact that this is an excellent veterinarian that obviously is in a career they love, I really need to know where she got that cat jacket.

13. "This is my new friend, Harvey! Took this just minutes after adopting him!"
Hi Harvey, I love you!!

14. "When I house sat for my sister, her dogs were very happy to see me :)"
Visits from Auntie are always the best

15. "My old man. He’s turning 19 this May."
Happy early birthday sweet old kitty!

16. "I absolutely love this picture of my dog Anakin and me. He finally has the high ground."
Anakin!!! So talented!!!

17. "When you try to videochat with your cat and she recognizes you"
Omggg she loves her person so much

18. "My little floofer got an A+ on his report card at the groomer today."
I refuse to believe this isn't a plushie

19. "Dog broke his ankle jumping into the boat, dad broke his ankle jumping in after him. Dog looks totally stoked to match dad"
Twinsies! Sweet pup looks so excited to match their dad.

20. "This woman is getting a kiss from a baby elephant"

I hope these adorable beasties helped brighten your day, even if it was just a little bit. Let us know in the comment section below which picture was your favorite, and if this mini cuteness break in your busy day has helped at all.
Be sure to share with your friends and family too! There’s nothing quite like a cute animal pick-me-up.
