These 21 Pics Of Sleepy Animals Are Exactly What You Need To Make Your Day More Enjoyable

Even a person with a stone heart can't resist these adorable pics, you might even say they'll perk you up.

  • Published in Animals
These 21 Pics Of Sleepy Animals Are Exactly What You Need To Make Your Day More Enjoyable

Now I know this sounds super weird but I'm convinced I'm not the only one who has spent hours staring at their sleeping pet. There's nothing I love more than staring at my kitty when she's sleeping.

It's so fascinating to me because you can see so many new things from your pet when they sleep. After all, they'll do weird things like kicking their legs or making adorable noises.

They'll also just wake up suddenly and scare the heck out of me. So is it really weird to watch your pet sleep when you get to see all these cute things?

Something I've noticed is that a lot of animals seem to always know if you're looking at them. Pretty much every time I try to take a photo of my kitten when she's sleeping, she'll wake up immediately and cover her face so I can't take a pic of her.

Not all animals are like this and plenty of people have managed to get pics of their adorable pets sleeping. If you scroll down you'll see a bunch of photos people took of their sleeping photos, and we hope this can help cheer you up if you've had a rough day.

1. This adorable pup is definitely sleeping peacefully with his favorite toy.

1. This adorable pup is definitely sleeping peacefully with his favorite toy.@odin.goldendood

2. All squirrels are just so cute but this is probably the cutest one I've ever seen..

2. All squirrels are just so cute but this is probably the cutest one I've ever seen..Mediocrechad

3. This little kitten wants a doggo friend but she settled for a toy to keep her company when sleeping.

3. This little kitten wants a doggo friend but she settled for a toy to keep her company when sleeping.@kirsty.williamson.lee

4. Cats sure do love showing off their adorable fluffy stomachs but you can never touch them.

4. Cats sure do love showing off their adorable fluffy stomachs but you can never touch them.TMitchell99

5. This little pup had a very tiring day so he fell asleep during the ride home.

5. This little pup had a very tiring day so he fell asleep during the ride home.@remy.the.puppy

6. It's really weird to see a water-hating animal in such an environment, looking so peaceful.

6. It's really weird to see a water-hating animal in such an environment, looking so peaceful.@maxim.and.tala

7. This image just brings so much joy to me. Happiest little kitten I've ever seen.

7. This image just brings so much joy to me. Happiest little kitten I've ever seen.Cassiuz

8. As we all know, cats are liquid and they fit inside any object they find.

8. As we all know, cats are liquid and they fit inside any object they find.PeanutbutterPirate

9. This cat must have seen the clothes drying on the rack and though it was a good place for a nap.

9. This cat must have seen the clothes drying on the rack and though it was a good place for a nap.BluntSabbath

10. The plant is growing out of the cat. I'm not accepting any other explanations.

10. The plant is growing out of the cat. I'm not accepting any other explanations.@vivamanilena

11. I have a sudden urge to find this place and cuddle with all these baby pandas.

11. I have a sudden urge to find this place and cuddle with all these baby pandas.@chiarazaghi

12. Hoping for sunny weather just so this kitty can keep resting here.

12. Hoping for sunny weather just so this kitty can keep resting here.BluntSabbath

13. An adorable friend group taking an afternoon nap together.

13. An adorable friend group taking an afternoon nap together.@petpantheon

14. Apparently, every cat likes sleeping in shoes. I understand though, those boots looks really comfortable.

14. Apparently, every cat likes sleeping in shoes. I understand though, those boots looks really comfortable.Reddit user

15. Of course, we can't forget about our hairless buddies. Folded like a chair.

15. Of course, we can't forget about our hairless buddies. Folded like a chair.@freckleface_mom

16. This is his toy and no one better try taking it away from him.

16. This is his toy and no one better try taking it away from him.IwillAllowIt

17. The secret to the best sleep ever? Cuddling with someone.

17. The secret to the best sleep ever? Cuddling with someone.@the_niko_n_ollie_show

18. Look at this adorable little grey cotton ball. Cuteness overload.

18. Look at this adorable little grey cotton ball. Cuteness overload.Brivee

19. This cat seems to enjoy being squished by this big doggo. I too, love weighted blankets.

19. This cat seems to enjoy being squished by this big doggo. I too, love weighted blankets.BluntSabbath

20. This kitten is not doing a very good job as a babysitter but we can't blame her.

20. This kitten is not doing a very good job as a babysitter but we can't blame her.@alwaysmorecats

21. This poor thing was too tired to reach the bed and just gave up midway.

21. This poor thing was too tired to reach the bed and just gave up midway.BluntSabbath

That was just the thing I needed to pick me up after a long day. These pics were just so adorable I don't think I'll ever stop smiling.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my kitty is sleeping and I have to get some photos of her before she wakes up.
