50 Cats Who Just Are So Silly That They Made It To This Awesome List That'll Make You Smile

Cats are taking over their human's camera roll in a variety of ways

  • Published in Animals
50 Cats Who Just Are So Silly That They Made It To This Awesome List That'll Make You Smile

Cat owners sometimes claim that their pet is the most unique animal there is. However, some of them are accompanied by images.

Cats love to nap in awkward places, as anyone who has lived with one will attest. When you combine the two, your canine friend will have the ideal place to snooze.

Cats are fascinating for many reasons beyond just their propensity to doze off in the strangest locations. Their vision and, of course, the well-known myth that they always land on their feet is only a couple of the other peculiar qualities.

No cat lover gets bored with cats, though, and that is a universal truth. Whether it's a mouse, they brought for lunch or a vase that needed to be hurled off the table for reasons only they know, they never fail to amaze you.

But that's only a small portion of their appeal, and alas, not all of it can be captured in a photograph. Cats may take over their human camera roll in a variety of ways, from the traditional "if I fit, I sit" to the numerous amusing faces they create.

We've collected some pictures of cute kitties from the r/AnimalsBeingDerps subreddit that are certain to make you smile or make you cry.

1. Our Cat Often Hangs Like This

1. Our Cat Often Hangs Like ThisBomurang

2. So Frustrated

2. So Frustratedjix333

3. Slurp

3. Slurpwaritch41

4. The Way Our Cat, Millie, Lets Us Know Someone Is Here

4. The Way Our Cat, Millie, Lets Us Know Someone Is HereBarfsack

5. Spend 20 Minutes Looking For My Cat. Found Her Here

5. Spend 20 Minutes Looking For My Cat. Found Her Here_Gree

6. I Will Have That...

6. I Will Have That...madashmadash

7. The Little Arm Just Kills Me

7. The Little Arm Just Kills MeWickedTheRestless

8. We Woke Up From A Nap To This Ominous Visage

8. We Woke Up From A Nap To This Ominous VisageDino502Run

9. Stop Right There, Criminal Scum

9. Stop Right There, Criminal Scumluis-mercado

10. This Dumb Idiot Wouldn’t Stop Yelling About How It’s Stuck When It Got In There In The First Place

10. This Dumb Idiot Wouldn’t Stop Yelling About How It’s Stuck When It Got In There In The First Placestormingstormer

11. Best Pic Of My Cat To Date

11. Best Pic Of My Cat To Datedoveguy

12. Need Extra Caution When Going To The Bathroom

12. Need Extra Caution When Going To The BathroomTrueSkyDemon

13. I Think The Shelter Sold Me Wile E. Coyote

13. I Think The Shelter Sold Me Wile E. Coyotesunshineandhomicide

14. Derp

14. DerpRyQril

15. “Be Cool, But I Think There’s A Second Cat In Our Apartment”

15. “Be Cool, But I Think There’s A Second Cat In Our Apartment”flawlessnewt

16. The New 'Window Seat' Is A Hot Commodity

16. The New 'Window Seat' Is A Hot CommodityCronchy_Tacos

17. Mlem

17. MlemCrohn1e

18. Excuse Me, Sir…

18. Excuse Me, Sir…westcoastcdn19

19. Inside Every Cat, Beats The Heart Of A Lion

19. Inside Every Cat, Beats The Heart Of A LionHeyprajwal

20. My Cat Sometimes Does This

20. My Cat Sometimes Does Thisoranj6358

21. I Vant To Drink Your Milk

21. I Vant To Drink Your MilkExactlySorta

22. I Was Getting Up To Get Something In The Living Room And Saw Him Standing In The Doorway Like This

22. I Was Getting Up To Get Something In The Living Room And Saw Him Standing In The Doorway Like Thisbb_meow

23. Gave My Cat His Christmas Gift Early, Here Is How He Slept After Playing With His New Fishy

23. Gave My Cat His Christmas Gift Early, Here Is How He Slept After Playing With His New FishyWhiteKrispy

24. Gave My Girlfriend’s Cat A Smooch In The Forehead And He Hit Me With The Most Offended Look

24. Gave My Girlfriend’s Cat A Smooch In The Forehead And He Hit Me With The Most Offended LookScarbrow

25. Caught Mid-Yawn

25. Caught Mid-YawnYesIamaDinosaur

26. Friend’s Cat Got A Haircut. She Seems Very Pleased

26. Friend’s Cat Got A Haircut. She Seems Very Pleasedlucky_Lola

27. What I Put Up With When Gaming....

27. What I Put Up With When Gaming....pinkybandit89

28. Nap Like An Egyptian

28. Nap Like An Egyptianhornmelon

29. One Got Ripe Earlier Than The Others

29. One Got Ripe Earlier Than The Othersdontflyaway

30. He Doesn’t Understand Why I’m Laughing At Him

30. He Doesn’t Understand Why I’m Laughing At Himtheheartlessnerd

31. Lily Doesn't Like Me Taking Pictures Of Her Bunny Butt, But It's Too Cute!

31. Lily Doesn't Like Me Taking Pictures Of Her Bunny Butt, But It's Too Cute!Amag140696

32. My Kitten Seeing The Neighbours Cat For The First Time

32. My Kitten Seeing The Neighbours Cat For The First Time5CZ

33. Didn't See Him At Lunchtime, So Looked Around And Found Him Sleeping In The Front Yard

33. Didn't See Him At Lunchtime, So Looked Around And Found Him Sleeping In The Front Yardmeme_stealing_bandit

34. My Cat Dolly... Looking Extra Clever

34. My Cat Dolly... Looking Extra CleverHuxleyPig

35. Toby's Favorite Part Of Going To The Vet Is Getting To Sit In This Sink

35. Toby's Favorite Part Of Going To The Vet Is Getting To Sit In This Sinkteem0m0

36. This Is Snickers. She Loves Yard Work

36. This Is Snickers. She Loves Yard Workjustin19833

37. I Promise She's Not Getting Electrocuted

37. I Promise She's Not Getting ElectrocutedMacguffin_Muffin

38. Found Him Passed Out Like This After Playing With One Of His Favourite Toys…!

38. Found Him Passed Out Like This After Playing With One Of His Favourite Toys…!DoucheBaggerton

39. In Memory And Appreciation Of My Blind Cat Who Passed Away A Few Months Ago, Ice

39. In Memory And Appreciation Of My Blind Cat Who Passed Away A Few Months Ago, IceGricekkk

40. I Caught My Cat Waking Up And Falling Off The Wall

40. I Caught My Cat Waking Up And Falling Off The Wallvo0ds

41. Never Had A Cat This Derpy

41. Never Had A Cat This Derpyrenatelj

42. Huh? Photo By Hiroaki Kawasue

42. Huh? Photo By Hiroaki KawasueSlow-moving-sloth

43. Frejya Only Sleeps In Derpy Positions

43. Frejya Only Sleeps In Derpy Positionsfreyjathekat

44. Stapler? We Don't Do That Here

44. Stapler? We Don't Do That Hereluis-mercado

45. He's Literally Never Done This Before, And Then The Second I Sit Down..?

45. He's Literally Never Done This Before, And Then The Second I Sit Down..?chatonsnoirs

46. If I’m Up, You’re Up!!

46. If I’m Up, You’re Up!!IdlyConserve

47. Cat So Lazy A Spider Built A Web Between Her Ears.

47. Cat So Lazy A Spider Built A Web Between Her Ears.worldiscubik

48. My Cat Keeps Sitting Like This And It Makes Me So Uncomfortable

48. My Cat Keeps Sitting Like This And It Makes Me So UncomfortableEjack-Ulate-69

49. I No Longer Have A Cat, Just Two Croissants

49. I No Longer Have A Cat, Just Two Croissants_Gree

50. Total Eclipse Of The Cat

50. Total Eclipse Of The Catuhpav

Cats frequently find themselves in difficult situations, as can be seen in some of these images. It's considered a type of art for cats to get stranded in a place that's easy to reach but impossible to escape from.

Still, cats are both endearing and perplexing creatures at the same time. In fact, they are each unique in their own way.
