17 Things That People Do That Just Screams How Insecure They Are

People who are insecure usually just need a little more support

  • Published in Funny
17 Things That People Do That Just Screams How Insecure They Are

When One Direction said, "you're insecure"... I really felt that. While that may have been some misplaced teen angst that I have thankfully (mostly) grown out of, insecurity is a huge part of so many people's lives.

It's also something that most people try to hide--usually by overcompensating confidence. While, in a ideal world, people will feel comfortable in who they are, until then many people take the "fake it until you make it approach," but sadly it falls short and comes across fake

This thread over on Reddit asked what the thing that other people do that just screams "I'm very insecure?" and the results are fascinating.

Insecurity is a normal part of life, and recognising it is the first step to overcoming it! Remember to be kind to yourself, and others; you don't know what they're going though.

What are some kinds of insecurity you notice in other people? Tell us about them, and coping strategies, in the comments!

People who not only see the glass as "half-full" but also judge the contents of the glass...


People who feel the need to judge everyone in a negative light and who only want to see the worst in others so they can feel better about themselves. It just shows how unhappy they truly are.

Recognising these things in yourself is a great way to help you move on, and heal from them


When you question yourself "do they actually like me or are they pretending to?" or when you think you're gonna bother other people if you talk to them

If you have to ask, probably!


This is a self roast but I think I degrade myself just to hear others deny it, is that insecure?

Stalking your significant other too much.


When people have and insist on constantly checking on their SO via some tracking app on their phone.

It's one thing to have it and use it in case of emergency, but using it while out with your friends to make sure he's actually at work is creepy and super insecure.

Bullying usually stems from a place of insecurity


Bullying people. You don't try to bring other people down if you truly feel good about yourself.

Lying to seem cool


I used to be very insecure so I'll go from my own experience. Lying about something to seem cool. It's very obviously a signal of insecurity because they don't like who they are now.

Sometimes social media makes the problem worse; constantly seeing other people's highlight reel can be damaging.


All those people who post on Facebook those quotes that are like: ‘don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, they’re behind you for a reason’

Or they tag themselves into any and EVERY place including the docs/hospital/somewhere personal. Then when someone asks if they’re ok they reply with: ‘don’t ask hun xoxox’

Urgh so basically. People who live their lives through very active social media’s I suppose I’m trying to say.

I feel attacked


A password made up on only lower case letters.

Always putting other people down


Just not shutting up about yourself. Constantly lifting yourself up and comparing yourself to others, while pushing them down.

I firmly believe you can tell a lot about someone based on the car they drive


a huge lifted truck without any discernible work purpose being extremely aggressive in traffic.

Insecurity manifests at workplace


I mostly see this at work.

- People who are in upper management and treat people like garbage just because they can.

- Being unnecessarily mean, rude or bitter to people.

- Treating new employees like garbage just because you're threatened they might take your job some day.

Also people who lie about it to fit in...


Can't handle being told they're wrong or ignorant about something.

They're the only ones playing the game


People who always have to one up you in everything if you tell a story they have a better one, if you buy something expensive they have to be something even more expensive. Some people’s whole life is trying to win some non existent competition

Either cute old people, or a very insecure couple: there's no in-between!


Joint Facebook profiles

Quickly assuming the worst


Automatically assuming negative intent.


You friend didn't pick your call?

"F*ck her, she's trying to avoid me. I don't care about her anyway."

This last sentence sums it up: everyone feels insecure, sometimes.


Insecurity can manifest itself in many ways including but not limited to:

  • Being shy (not introverted)
  • Consistently wearing clothes that conceal the body (like wearing the same jumper to school every day year round)
  • Wearing a hairstyle that conceals the face/ eyes
  • Looking down/ away from people
  • Not participating in social media and/ or group conversations because of fear of rejection
  • Always being exceptionally nice


  • Being exceptionally b*tchy - particularly around things they are sensitive about - (like if they feel inferior about their grades they will slag off other poor performers)


  • they may try to drag others down with them by general bullying - depending on what their personality is like. Not all insecure people are bullies.

We are all insecure about something at some time in our lives. nbd, really.

Humble bragging


Constantly wedging "humble bragging" into conversations.
