30 Shocking Photos History Books Dare Not Show You
Have you ever seen a full-faced swimming mask?

Throughout the annals of history, humanity has witnessed a plethora of events and practices that, by today's standards, appear astonishingly bizarre. Among these, the realm of historical medical cures and contraceptives stands out, showcasing remedies and methods that might seem as though they were concocted by a mad scientist rather than rooted in medical science.
These practices underscore not just the creativity of past generations but also the significant evolution of medical knowledge over time. In an era when the scientific method was still in its infancy, and empirical evidence was often overshadowed by superstition and theory, these "solutions" to health issues were considered cutting edge.
Moreover, the societal norms, laws, and behaviors of the past were markedly different from what is deemed acceptable today, adding another layer of intrigue to historical practices. The photographs capturing these moments provide a visual testament to the peculiar and often startling aspects of historical daily life.
From the use of leeches in bloodletting to the belief in the curative powers of mercury for various ailments, these images offer a window into a world where the line between science and fiction was frequently blurred. As one delves into these strange photos, each snapshot acts as a portal to the past, revealing moments and methods that, while perhaps effective or normal at the time, now elicit a mixture of shock, fascination, and disbelief.
Just take a look at these...
1. A dramatic photo of a utility worker receiving CPR after being electrocuted, “The Kiss Of Life” (1967).

2. Two girls take a “horseman” picture together (1920).

3. Fidel Castro lays a wreath at the Lincoln Memorial (1959).

4. A full-faced swimming mask to help protect women’s skin from the sun (1920s).

5. A portrait taken of a woman while she was mid-sneeze (1900).

6. Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel sharing a smoke break (1938).

7. “TV Glasses,” a product that never caught on (1963).

8. A man dresses his dog up in a suit and puts his cat in the dog’s lap for a picture (1950s).

9. This is possibly the first GPS, an auto-scrolling map that would help people navigate in real time (1930).

10. A prohibition and anti-saloon league sign, speaking out against liquor.

11. A young woman takes her pet lobster out for a walk (1950s).

12. The One Wheel Motorcycle, which could reach a top speed of 93 mph (1931).

13. The oldest known selfie (1839).

14. Adolf Hitler rehearsing his speeches in front of a mirror (1925).

15. WWII soldiers get their last kiss before being deployed (1940s).

16. “Pin boys” set up bowling pins while people play games (1914).

17. A mother is consumed by her worries and watches over her children during the Dust Bowl (1936). This photo of Florence Owens Thompson is actually one of the photos on this list that became quite famous in its own right.

18. The LA Public Library’s bookmobile program for the sick (1928).

19. This bicycle fit a family of four and it included a sewing machine (1939).

20. An Austrian boy is excited about his first pair of new shoes in years (1946).

21. The Isolator was a helmet worn to help the wearer focus, rendering a person deaf. They even had a supply of oxygen (1925).

22. Bill & Hillary Clinton play volleyball before getting married (1971).

23. There used to be ice-cold whisky dispensers, sometimes found in offices (1950s).

24. Afghan women, casually dressed, use a public library before the Taliban rule (1950s).

25. A cat posed for a cigarette card, found in Army Club Cigarettes (1932).

26. A couple enjoys an old-fashioned zipline at a fair (1923).

27. Paul McCartney takes a mirror selfie (1959).

28. Nine kings gather to mourn the death of King Edward VII (1910).

29. Two winners of a beauty pageant, back when the standards of beauty were much different (1922).

30. Fritz the bulldog, a TV celebrity, is groomed by a barber (1961).

As we thumb through history's eccentric photo album, we're reminded that our ancestors were not just pioneers but also the original avant-garde. So, the next time you cringe at a historical remedy, remember: yesterday's madness is today's meme.
History, it seems, is not just written, but also prescribed with a dose of the bizarre.
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