Reddit User Upset After Roommate's Service Dog Poops On The Living Room Floor

The roommate left her service dog locked up in a room for too long.

Reddit User Upset After Roommate's Service Dog Poops On The Living Room Floor

Living with roommates can be a nightmare, especially if you don't know them well. Sharing space with strangers can be tricky, but sometimes, it's necessary, like when you're a broke college student trying to get by.

That's why it's always a good idea to be upfront and honest about any potential issues that might arise, like allergies or pet ownership. And that's what this story from Reddit is all about.

This Reddit user had been looking for a roommate for months and finally found someone who he thought would be a great fit. They talked, worked out the details, and the new roommate moved in with her service dog. All good, right? Well, not exactly.

The first red flag came when the new roommate didn't tell the guy about the service dog until after she had signed the lease. Okay, fine, maybe it was an honest mistake, but it would have been better if she had mentioned it sooner.

Still, OP was willing to work with her and let the dog stay, even though their apartment complex charged extra for pets. Things seemed to be going okay at first, but then the new roommate left for a few days and left her dog behind.

Not just once, but twice. And both times, the guy had to take care of the dog and clean up after it. Not exactly what he signed up for, right? And then, to top it off, the dog pooped in the guy's living room. Gross.

It's important to note that service dogs aren't like regular dogs. They're specially trained to perform a specific task or service for their owner, and they're allowed to go pretty much anywhere their owner goes.

That's why the owner needs to take care of their dog and make sure it's behaving properly. And in this case, the new roommate wasn't doing that.

OP was understandably upset about the dog situation, but when he confronted his roommate about it, she offered to send her dog back home with her mom. This offer was confusing for OP since it was a service dog.

OP lives in an apartment complex and he finally found a roommate that seemed like a perfect fit

OP lives in an apartment complex and he finally found a roommate that seemed like a perfect fitu/IAmTryingToBeAnon

The roommate didn't mention her service dog before signing the lease but OP didn't mind

The roommate didn't mention her service dog before signing the lease but OP didn't mindu/IAmTryingToBeAnon

Everything was fine until one day, the roommate went to visit her parents but she didn't bring the dog with her

Everything was fine until one day, the roommate went to visit her parents but she didn't bring the dog with heru/IAmTryingToBeAnon

He texted her over and over again but it seemed like she didn't care

He texted her over and over again but it seemed like she didn't careu/IAmTryingToBeAnon

OP wasn't too bothered by the dog until it decided to poop on the living room floor

OP wasn't too bothered by the dog until it decided to poop on the living room flooru/IAmTryingToBeAnon

OP was upset and he let his roommate know

OP was upset and he let his roommate knowu/IAmTryingToBeAnon

Doesn't sound like a service dog

Doesn't sound like a service dogu/oaksandpines1776

Dog with a vest

Dog with a vestu/RecedingQuasar

An insult

An insultu/Pristine_Pie_2254

Locked up in a room

Locked up in a roomu/CancelAfter1968

It's one thing to be accommodating to your roommate's needs, but it's another thing entirely to be taken advantage of. And that's what it sounds like was happening in this situation.

The new roommate wasn't being responsible or considerate of her dog or her roommate's living space, and when confronted about it, she tried to make it all go away by offering to give up her service dog.
