People Need To Know What To Do When You See A Service Dog By Itself

These is super important to know which may come in handy for you one day.

  • Published in Animals
People Need To Know What To Do When You See A Service Dog By Itself

Twitter user Melissa Hope recently took to the platform with somewhat of a public service announcement for us all about service dogs. Now, we all know that you are meant to not touch them or distract them as they are at work when they have their vest on.

However, what do you do when you see one of the good boys or girls separated from their master but still with their vest on? I honestly wouldn't have known this without this post.

Melissa goes on to explain that she has a service dog as she suffers from seizures, and it is the dogs job to go and find help in the case of her having an episode.


Melissa had taken a fall and her dog sprung into action, seeking out help as it has been trained to do and was met with general annoyance and was ignored by all she approached. If this had have been a real medical situation then she could have died. Luckily it wasn't.

“Don’t get scared, don’t get annoyed, follow the dog! If it had been an emergency situation, I could have vomited and choked, I could have hit my head, I could have had so many things happen to me,”

Melissa wrote.


A few posters responded explaining the importance of this PSA

A few posters responded explaining the importance of this PSA