Senior Cat Teaches Us The Importance Of Fitness By Getting His Steps Every Day

People think he's like the seniors doing their rounds in malls

Senior Cat Teaches Us The Importance Of Fitness By Getting His Steps Every Day

There are plenty of good reasons to walk more often, even if it's just a short stroll around the block. Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that can help improve your overall fitness and health.

This exercise improves your heart health, endurance, brain function, joint mobility, and muscle strength. It also lessens your stress levels.

So how much walking should you aim for? The general recommendation is to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity walking every day.

But if you're just starting out, you can build up to this by beginning with shorter walks and gradually increasing the time you walk each day. There's no need to go out and buy fancy equipment or a gym membership to start reaping the benefits of walking.

Just put on some comfortable shoes and head out the door! And if you need some inspiration, why not watch Max the senior cat?

Max has an unwavering will to do his laps around the house every single day. His video was shared on TikTok by his foster parent.

People were impressed by the fitness king that his video was viewed 469.3K times as of writing. Users were praising the cat and some of them even want to be trained under Max.

For Max, doing laps around the house is already an accomplishment.


Max content coming in HOT now that im back from vacation!

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Max does random things. But doing his laps is priority.

Max does random things. But doing his laps is priority.TikTok

It's funny how Max is like the seniors doing their laps in malls.

Perhaps it's time to consider mall walking for exercise. It is a great way to get some exercise, and it's also excellent stress relief as you go window shopping.

Mall walking can help you burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health, and reduce stress. Plus, it's a great way to meet new people and make new friends.

It's funny how Max is like the seniors doing their laps in malls.TikTok

He wants to close his rings. That's his daily achievement.

He wants to close his rings. That's his daily achievement.TikTok

This is a great idea!

Remember that cats have different personalities and preferences. Some kitties love going on walks with their humans, while others prefer to stay indoors.

Ultimately, it's up to your cat to decide whether they enjoy a walk or not. However, there are ways to make the experience more enjoyable for both of you.

Be sure to bring along some tasty treats and plenty of patience, and you and your feline friend will be enjoying walks together in no time.

This is a great idea!TikTok

According to some pet owners, their cats do the same thing too.

According to some pet owners, their cats do the same thing too.TikTok

Maybe he's just hunting for critters.

Maybe he's just hunting for critters.TikTok

People want him has their fitness trainer.

People want him has their fitness trainer.TikTok

Max is just like people's grandparents.

Max is just like people's grandparents.TikTok

Exercise not only keeps our bodies looking great and functioning properly, but it also helps keep our brains healthy and active.

And as we all know, a healthy brain is key to a happy life. So let's get moving just like Max who sticks to his daily routine!

We all know that cats love to sleep. But this cat shows us that while there's time to laze around, it's still important to burn those calories.

We hope Max finds his forever home soon so that he can teach the family the value of exercise.
