5 Animals That Live In The Coral Reef That Are Just Truly Breathtaking
We don't see these creatures very often which makes it much more special when we do get to see them.

If you're someone who loves the ocean then you'll probably recognize some of these fishes when you see them, but for those that don't know much about sea animals, you might be surprised at what you see. These animals are beautiful and colorful, and some of them look pretty strange, but they're all really majestic animals.
When it comes to sea animals I think most of us are very fascinated with them because there are so many different types of them and they all look really cool and different from each other. From lionfish to jellyfish, swordfish, and sharks.
There are so many different types and some of them are safe, while others are poisonous. It's best to be educated about sea life because you want to know what you're bumping into if you ever find yourself in the same water as one.
We wanted to give some recognition to some awesome fishes that live in the coral reef because we don't always talk about these little guys. Typically people love to see dogs, cats, or some other furry animal.
Let's switch it up and give some recognition to these beautiful, majestic, and amazing sea life fishes. Here are 5 amazing animals that live in the coral reef that is just truly breathtakingly exotic.
1. Lionfish
Lionfish are probably one type of fish that you may have seen before and they might seem confusing because they look quite cool but surprisingly enough, they are dangerous. They have venom that can end an adult human's life, but otherwise, they are pretty cool looking and very gentle.
They also can camouflage themselves into their habitat pretty easily helping them hunt and hide.

2. Sea Dragon
The Sea Dragon is often confused with a Sea Horse, but one huge difference is that sea dragons can typically get much larger than a sea horse. They actually aren't great at swimming so they spend their time in their home.
Their seaweed-like body helps to camouflage themselves into the coral reef as a part of the seaweed.

3. Manta Ray
Manta Rays typically stay to themselves and focus on living and hunting. However, one good thing is that they have lots of grime on them which little fish in the sea eat clean off of it.
So the Manta Ray gets cleaned while the little fish get a nice meal. That's why you'll often see these tiny fish traveling behind or under the Manta Ray.

4. Clownfish
Clownfish are mostly known in the movie Finding Nemo, but one thing people don't know is that they aren't that great at defending themselves. Typically they will stay in their homes at the coral reef to stay safe from potential predators.
The male clownfish actually always takes care of their babies as well, where in most cases it's the mom who does this.

5. Sea Turtle
This is my personal favorite animal. One fun fact to know is that they are one of the only herbivorous animals in the sea.
They can live very long lives and they typically can be found living in the coral reef.

There are a lot more animals that live in the coral reef but these five are some of the ones that we wanted to go over today. These animals are pretty, magical, and really awesome creatures that unfortunately we don't see that often.
What other sea creatures should we go through next?