Woman Wants To Know If She Is Wrong For Screaming At Her Sister For Keeping Secrets About Her Kid
"I told her she betrayed my trust."
- Published in Interesting
The teenage years can be tumultuous in a young person's life as they navigate various changes and challenges. Close interaction is essential during the adolescent years because this is a time when young people develop their sense of identity and values.
By being involved in your child's life and having open and honest communication, you can help them better understand themselves and the world around them. It can include having conversations about current events, discussing different perspectives and viewpoints, and encouraging them to reflect on their values and beliefs.
Another important reason for close interaction with your teenage child is to help them develop good decision-making skills. During this time, young people face various choices, from what classes to take in school to whether to experiment with drugs or alcohol.
By being present and involved in your child's life, you can help guide them in making good choices and avoiding risky behaviors. Considering the setting, clear expectations and boundaries, discussing the potential consequences of different options, and being a supportive sounding board when they're facing difficult decisions.
Close interaction with your teenage child can also help to strengthen your relationship with them because a solid parent-child relationship can help your child feel more secure and supported, leading to better mental health and well-being. Spending quality time together, having fun, and engaging in shared activities can build a solid bond.
Your child feels more comfortable coming to you with their problems and concerns. During adolescence, young people may deal with various issues, from academic stress to peer pressure and mental health concerns.
By being present and involved in your child's life, you can better identify when they may be struggling and provide them with the help and support they need. It may include connecting them with a mental health professional, finding academic resources to help them succeed, or simply being there to listen when they need to talk.
OP allowed her sister stay with them and agreed to help with groceries and watch their children.
Reddit/Her sister admitted that OP's daughter had been drunk, the reason why she was puking.
Reddit/Go get help for your daughter!
Reddit/ mnbvcdoFailed parenting.
Reddit/ Motor_Business483"She needs something and today!"
Reddit/ Worth-Season3645Your feelings are valid, but the response was just wrong.
Reddit/20frvrz"Your sister is not the problem here."
Reddit/ Cheddarbaybiskits"Help your daughter."
Reddit/ hausccatOP's sister is the safe valve here, but she wrecked that.
Reddit/ yycsoftwaredev"Apologize for the way you handled it."
Reddit/ ivydreamsBe more serious about your daughter's situation.
Reddit/ NickyParkkerYou need to set up alarms for you to know she's sneaking out.
Reddit/ Samu_2020_15Teens need trusted adults who would help them.
Reddit/ OrigamiCrocodile"If you hadn't known, NTA."
Reddit/ Adventurous_-BetOP was obviously worried.
Reddit/ UpsetDescription2285You need way tougher consequences with her..."
Reddit/ McflyThrowaway01"Your kid is out of control, and you need to address that."
Reddit/ rainbow_wallflower"I'd just be happy that my daughter trusted someone enough to call to get her out of a bad situation."
Reddit/ NotApplicable337"It is time to make this an unaffordable mistake."
Reddit/ letter-opener453Try to know your daughter more and consider professional help.
Reddit/ y2kmamaSetting boundaries.
Reddit/ Excellent-Many-6242There is a light in every dark situation, you just have to pause to think clearly.
Reddit/ flaming-lilyPaying immediate care to children during their teenage years is critical and needs immediate attention and intervention. You may support them in navigating the difficulties of adolescence, help them improve their decision-making abilities, deepen their relationship, and better understand their wants and challenges by being involved in and present in their lives.