Proud Dog Mom Gives Deserving Reply To Mother-In-Law For Saying That Their Dog Isn't "Pretty Enough" For Them
"She's very sweet and really good with the kids"

One of the most popular pets worldwide, dogs are regarded as valuable members of the family by many of their owners. Our faces can light up just by looking at our dogs, and you might wonder why.
In summary, dogs just tend to look cute. They just seem so beautiful to us, with their huge, round heads, forward-facing eyes, soft fur, and floppy ears.
They exhibit cute behaviors as well, including wagging tails, nuzzling noses, and awkward motions. It's not only OK to think of our "fur babies" as entertaining, but it's crucial that we do.
We are far more inclined to take care of something we think is adorable. Again, like babies, cute things are typically seen as needy and weak, so we care for them.
From the standpoint of survival, this is significant. It also appears that the likelihood that we will find a dog appealing increases with its age, but not all dogs are facially appealing, especially if they have scars.
The narrator of today's story adopted a rescue dog—a 4-year-old hound. She was attacked by a boar and left out in the woods.
Someone found her and dropped her off at the shelter. This dog has huge scars all over because of the attack, and her fur doesn't grow there, so they are very noticeable.
OP's MIL doesn't think this dog is befitting for them, so she told them to get a beautiful show dog.
The OP writes

OP's dog still needs some training

OP's mom says she'll get in touch with a breeder

Here's a picture of the OP's rescue dog

And the comments roll in...

Congrats on the newest family member

It helps with scar tissue

OP reveals why they decided to get a older dog
I've always had dogs, they have always been from the pound or shelters. Some puppies, some adult.
It really depends on what you're comfortable with. We decided to get an adult for several reasons, 1 already potty trained (currently trying to potty train daughter, so I thought it might be too much to do both). 2 we're renting and didn't want a puppy chewing up things around the house (walls and moulding, cabinets). 3 adult dog often get over looked, especially "broken" ones and shelters will sometimes give discounts. 4. With our kids being so young (2 and 7 months) we wanted a dog out of the crazy rambunctious stage. 5 there's been an increase in home invasions in our area, so wanted a big dog so they would scare people off.
All dogs are different. The key is patience...lots and lots of it, either with a rescue or puppy.
The dog is adorable

Comments that piss this redditor off

Show quality puppies

Don't listen to her

The dog's gorgeous

Though dogs are generally thought to be cute, it appears that we are hardwired to find our own dogs particularly endearing, since they grow up to be significant members of the family. Like pleased parents, we name them, celebrate their birthdays, and show them their pictures.
The OP and her husband are proud of their dog and wouldn't trade her for anything. That is all that matters, and we're glad they defended her from the pink lady.
