Here Are Some Of The Scariest And Most Disturbing Videos On The Internet
Do you think you can handle them?

The internet is filled with the creepiest things ever, they're so disturbing that they would easily scar you for life and make you paranoid about everything in this world. Here's a list compiled by the Imgur user MrPotatoeHead and it has some pretty disturbing and creepy videos and short movies in it.
This world is so messed up and these movies can be considered as an accurate portrayal of what goes on in real life, they're so well made and they will definitely give you some nightmares later on. Buckle up ladies and gentlemen, because it's going to be a wild ride for sure!
1. Lot 254
An old man didn't expect to find this after looking at old films.
Disturbance Factor: 5.75/10

2. The Cat with Hands
A cat with hands who spends most of his time preying upon others for their body parts.
Disturbance Factor: 5

3. Sarah's Story
This AD was supposed to educate people about motor neurone disease (includes ALS). It turned out to be so shocking that it ended up getting banned in the UK.
Disturbance Factor: 7/10

4. The French Doors
Atmospheric and well produced, this short has a great pay off at the end.
Disturbance Factor: 6/10

5. The Kimberly Story
Popularized by the internet, this classic story from a high school teacher is one of the most disturbing things you'll see today.
Disturbance Factor: 5.5/10

6. ABE
When robot try to find love.
Disturbance Factor: 4/10

7. The Coffer
Made by the same people who created lights out, "The Coffer" uses noises and tension to achieve most of its scares.
Disturbance Factor: 7/10

8. Webcam
Webcam is about a woman who is getting spied on through her computer webcam.
Disturbance Factor: 8/10

9. No Through Road
This short film is about the disappearance of a couple of young men after a night out in town. This footage is what they managed to document from what happened to them.
Disturbance Factor: 8/10

10. Username:666
A person discovers and films the horrors of the this rumored youtube account.

11. A function
Bleak and atmospheric, the clip shows the futility of escaping a hell on earth (from the perspective of the Asian schooling system and corporate world).

12. Auditory Hallucinations - An Audio Representation
A simulation of what schizophrenia would be like as well as an experiment with Anderson Cooper on the subject. Pretty heavy stuff.Disturbance Factor: 9/10Audio:

13. The Real True Detective
Disturbance Factor: 5.5

14. Woman shoots and kills intruder - 911 Audio
Disturbance Factor: 6/10
