Sassy Ladies Who Enjoy Bugging Their Partners Will Certainly Enjoy These 35 Cheeky Memes

Let's spread our amazing humor to the world!

  • Published in Funny
Sassy Ladies Who Enjoy Bugging Their Partners Will Certainly Enjoy These 35 Cheeky Memes

Memes are here again and this time, we're here for the bold women who get great pleasure from making their men wonder how they're going to react. These are the women who possess the extraordinary capacity to both make their men second-guess their decisions in life and make them admire their sass.

Therefore, this one is for you if you're the type of lady who loves to know every detail and has a PHD in picking on your partner. You're the girl who doesn't give him an easy life, from bringing up old times to sparking a fight.

In fact, you want to pick fights just because you're bored, all in an effort to try to figure out who he's talking to on his phone. You can effortlessly transition from eye rolls to playful pouts, and you have a genuine knack for making ordinary circumstances become cunning contests.

You also know just how to leave your spouse perplexed and puzzled. Well, it turns out that you're not. Today, we've compiled the many amusing and relatable memes that can be found on the Internet for your enjoyment.

So let's celebrate the women who lighten life with humor and exasperate their partners just enough. You all make it interesting so ladies, keep scrolling and enjoy.

1. Are you serious right now?

1. Are you serious right now?

2. Can you explain?

2. Can you explain?

3. You have to pause

3. You have to

4. Let's go there

4. Let's go

5. Still angry?

5. Still angry?

6. Maintaining the facial expression

6. Maintaining the facial

7. That's what you get

7. That's what you

8. It's babe to you

8. It's babe to

9. Oh well

9. Oh

10. You keep talking

10. You keep

11. Even if you argue, roll eyes, and tease each other, we know you really do love the people in your relationships

11. Even if you argue, roll eyes, and tease each other, we know you really do love the people in your

12. Bye!!!

12. Bye!!!

13. You yelled at me

13. You yelled at

Now, ladies, I believe it's time to permanently dispel the ridiculous notion that women lack humor. No, really, anybody believes that has either lost their funny bone or just plain despises women.

Women are hilariously great, as any guy or woman who has had the good fortune to know one will attest. With our sharp tongues and wit, we dominate the comedic game.

We also seamlessly integrate sarcasm into our comebacks. So keep scrolling and enjoy more of these memes.

14. You called for it

14. You called for

15. You answer that

15. You answer

16. Dissect that however you wish

16. Dissect that however you

17. You're not funny

17. You're not

18. I'm trashing you

18. I'm trashing

19. Waiting for a reply

19. Waiting for a

20. You're in for a long day

20. You're in for a long

21. You did this

21. You did

22. I don't see nothing

22. I don't see

23. You don't have to yell

23. You don't have to

24. That face

24. That

25. It's very funny

25. It's very

26. I want them fries

26. I want them

27. Very sensitive

27. Very

28. I'm done

28. I'm

29. No sense of humor

29. No sense of

30. It is what it is

30. It is what it

31. Keep the argument going

31. Keep the argument

32. That face again

32. That face

33. That hurts

33. That

34. Okay


35. It's a long epistle

35. It's a long

Women bring the house down with their wit and cosmic charm, whether they are performing stand-up or are the go-to person at work. We are perceptive, clever, and can relate to almost any struggle that exists on Earth, so we not only make funny jokes, but we also make them seem meaningful!

With that said, here's to all the feisty ladies out there—keep spreading your amazing humor to the world!
