Illustrations That Show Just How Sad Real Life Is For Our Generation

I definitely cringed a few times.

Illustrations That Show Just How Sad Real Life Is For Our Generation

Most of the internet is just funny memes, offensive posts, and fake news. We all see it, but we don't necessarily realize just how much of this crap is seeping into our minds day in and day out as we scroll through our Facebook newsfeeds. 

The illustrations below show, in a creative way, just how our lives are going in these current times. They relate politically, pop culturally, and sometimes to things that may become our reality in the future.

Some may cause you to snicker and some to cringe, but you can't deny that most of them are true.


JailbirdMarco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati

The painful price of addiction

The painful price of addictionMarco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati

Possible future state?

Possible future state?Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati

This has always been true.

This has always been true.Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati
Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati

Modern day red-light district?

Modern day red-light district?Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati

So unfortunate

So unfortunateMarco Melgrati Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati

Do you agree?

Do you agree?Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati Marco Melgrati

Break through

Break throughMarco Melgrati Marco Melgrati