Ron Swanson Has Finally Admitted His Love For Puppies And Its Great

We never thought we'd see the day.

  • Published in Animals
Ron Swanson Has Finally Admitted His Love For Puppies And Its Great

Every comedy lover knows Parks And Recreation. The hit show from NBC starts Lesli Knope (played by Amy Poehler) as a city employee who is trying to improve her town of Pawnee, Indiana- as well as thrive in her personal life. 

The show also has many other supporting characters. One of them is Ron Swanson (playing by Nick Offerman)- who played Leslie Knope's superior on and off on the show. Ron Swanson is hilarious, but the actor that play's him, Nick Offerman, is a living meme himself. Hre combines the sarcastic, hilarious, and condescending character of Ron Swanson with his own lovable self.

A notable meme-worthy moment of Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec.

A notable meme-worthy moment of Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec.

Even though Parks and Rec ended in 2015, the stars are still doing great things. Nick Offerman in particular, was recently at the Sundance festival showing off two movies he was a part of them. One of them is called White Fang- a rendition of the Jack London book of the same name, told through the eyes of the wolf in the story.

The reported psoter for the upcoming movie.

The reported psoter for the upcoming movie.Movie Pilot

In late January, while promoting the movie, the producers brought a couple of Arctic-breed dogs (huskies and Malamutes) from the Arctic Rescue Organization, to the premiere.

Learn more about the organization here.

In late January, while promoting the movie, the producers brought a couple of Arctic-breed dogs (huskies and Malamutes) from the Arctic Rescue Organization, to the premiere.

The big doggo is named Shazam. He used to be taken care of by the Arctic Rescue organization, but recently got adopted.

The big doggo is named Shazam. He used to be taken care of by the Arctic Rescue organization, but recently got adopted.

The little pupper, White Fang, is still taken care of my the organization. We hope Nick Offerman adopts him- because he seems to be in love with the adorable puppy.

The little pupper, White Fang, is still taken care of my the organization. We hope Nick Offerman adopts him- because he seems to be in love with the adorable puppy.

During their time together, Nick spent the entire time carrying White Fang around and giving him all of the attention in the world.

During their time together, Nick spent the entire time carrying White Fang around and giving him all of the attention in the world.

He's obsessed, and it's adorable.

He's obsessed, and it's adorable.

Nick seemed to want to show the puppy off to everyone he possibly could.

Nick seemed to want to show the puppy off to everyone he possibly could.

All I can say is- my heart is melting.

All I can say is- my heart is melting.

Nick even let the puppy lick his face, just like he did on the Parks and Rec episode as Ron Swanson letting the Labrador kiss him!

Nick even let the puppy lick his face, just like he did on the Parks and Rec episode as Ron Swanson letting the Labrador kiss him!

History repeats itself!

History repeats itself!Gfycat