Dogs Make Riding In Cars Look A Lot More Fun Than It Is For Humans
"You wanna go for a ride?"

It's unusual when a dog doesn't want to go bye-bye's... for a ride... in the car. Most dogs will lose their minds with anticipation the very moment they conceive the idea they might get to go bye-bye's.
Still, the best part isn't even getting our dogs all worked up and excited to go. The best part is actually watching our dogs enjoy the ride itself.
It is believed that dogs like going for rides in cars so much because of the sense of adventure they get. However, it's true that not all dogs enjoy car rides and that may be because of negative associations.
You can make car rides enjoyable for your dog and get pictures as humorous and endearing as these if you creative positive associations for your dog and keep a pawsitive attitude!
1. He might be judging you, but dogs aren't usually known for being judgmental.

2. A dog is gonna do what a dog is gonna do.

3. I don't know what's happening here but I like it.

4. "Hey guys."

5. So that's what that spot is for.

6. Living their best lives, clearly.

7. Feelin' the breeze.

8. Happiness is a car ride.

9. The WIND.

10. A Pouting Pup


12. This dog thinks they are human.

13. Who doesn't love a face this adorable?

14. Himbs Lorge

15. The perfect spot for a puppy.

16. This might be a little horrifying without context.

17. Who called it a cup holder? It's a pup holder.

18. Say, "cheese!"

19. Fashion.

20. He's just chillin'

21. "Oh, hi, um, hello."

22. Pupper Huggos

23. Safety is a pupper priority.

24. When the human isn't a great driver:

25. Can you imagine being this content?

26. Just a couple of dudes living their best lives.

27. Cozy.

28. Can you imagine what's running through her mind?

29. Doin' a heckin' happy.

30. It smells nice.

31. You can hear this image:

32. A bit tired.

33. These puppies may or may not be judging you.

34. Cool 4 U

35. Fascinating.

36. Three heckin' happy pupperinos.

37. Honestly? Same.

38. Sometimes you just gotta.

39. Big Smile

40. Honestly, who else wants to get one of these nets now?
