50 'Behind-The-Scene' Moments In The Restaurant Industry That Workers Spill In The Kitchen Confidential Subreddit

Restaurant secrets were all spilled out in an online community and we're living for it.

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50 'Behind-The-Scene' Moments In The Restaurant Industry That Workers Spill In The Kitchen Confidential Subreddit

Every time we go inside a restaurant and try to get past through the time waiting for our order, we almost always never mind what happens behind the curtains, inside the kitchen. That being said, we may never know all the things going wrong there, and what kind of magic they are doing to keep customers satisfied.

There are instances, though, where some people would wonder or even catch the fact that some staff in restaurants, especially in the kitchen side, all have these secrets that they won't easily tell people outside—like the fact they reheat some of their food or that they tend to make nicknames for the regular people that come inside the restaurant. Do give every restaurant the benefit of the doubt, though, because not all of them may be like this!

When eating out, especially in a time where cleanliness is mandatory, it is really important for us to make sure that the place we are in also upholds food quality that follows hygiene and freshness. That's why it's pretty understandable that some people get skeptical about the things going behind the curtains in a restaurant.

Well, there's a subreddit called Kitchen Confidential wherein people who worked in the food industry spill and share stories, and sometimes, even confessions! Just take a look at some of the best posts in the community below!

1. How Time Flies

1. How Time FliesBrookburn

2. Answered The Question Right

2. Answered The Question Rightidgafos2019

3. This Should Be Changed, People Need Food And They Should Not Be Kept From Eating Normally Because They're Just Workers

3. This Should Be Changed, People Need Food And They Should Not Be Kept From Eating Normally Because They're Just WorkersGanjaG

4. Classic Look

4. Classic LookCookReddit

5. If It's Processed I Don't Want It

5. If It's Processed I Don't Want ItButtonKing

6. For Some Reason, They Always Do This

6. For Some Reason, They Always Do ThisTrickOGnosis

7. This Review, LOL!

7. This Review, LOL!Hooplababe

8. Let's Make A Baby

8. Let's Make A BabyDocWallaD

9. Cooking Together

9. Cooking TogetherPHON3-BOi

10. This Says It All

10. This Says It Allpm_your_boobiess

11. Props To This Person For Standing Their Ground

11. Props To This Person For Standing Their Groundrothmal

12. "The Drain At My Job Has Been Clogged For A Week And We've Been Using The Bars Tiny Sink Plus Filling The Sink With Water And Then Emptying It To The Toilet With Buckets,for Full Freaking Week"

12. stev0_Da_Geek

13. Secret Nicknames

13. Secret NicknamesElyKreimendahl

14. You Should Be Promoting

14. You Should Be Promotingmattwallaert

15. "Strip Club Food Gets Hate But I Took Pride In Everything I Would Do. I Made The Brioche Bread, No Frozen Patties Either. Everything Was Fresh"

15. poo_gnome

16. "The Exact Moment I Realized This Is My Kitchen And My Menu! After Years Of Being Told To, I Pulled The Trigger And Dived All In"

16. Valkerieus

17. The Shirt Says It All

17. The Shirt Says It AllDrisch10

18. "Cook Expensive Meals For 10-11 Hours A Day, Come Home And Eat Dino Nuggies"

18. anon--a--moose

19. If A Job Posting Somehow Sounds Like This, Run!

19. If A Job Posting Somehow Sounds Like This, Run!TechnicallyRon

20. "One Of My Employees Keeps This So Clean, He Did This After A 26k Saturday Night. Show My Guy Darian Some Love He Deserves It And Doesn’t Get Enough"

20. RReags228

21. The Thing About Flipping Burgers

21. The Thing About Flipping Burgersrunolgarun

22. A Very Important Reminder

22. A Very Important Reminder_clydebruckman

23. "Not As Good As Some I've Seen, But It's Mine And I'm Proud"

23. AggressiveWallaby76

24. "I Have Gone From Being Drunk In Kitchens, To Recovering Through Them. It’s Been A Wild Journey But I’m Extremely Proud Of Myself. To Anyone Struggling With Addiction, Just Know There Is Hope"

24. FishTheSlapper

25. "This Is Probably Old But It’s New To Me. A Friend Just Sent This My Way"

25. Merlins_Owl

26. "From Dishie, To “Prep B**ch” And Now I’m Officially On The Line! Can I Get A Heard For The New Promotion?"

26. TheMazel_TovCocktail

27. "Found On Instagram. I Love This Note Though And Thought You All Would Appreciate"

27. idgafos2019

28. A Lot Of Servers Can Definitely Attest To This

28. A Lot Of Servers Can Definitely Attest To ThisBoth-Growtth

29. It's Okay To Ditch That Job (If You Can Afford To)

29. It's Okay To Ditch That Job (If You Can Afford To)EnDoubleUHammer

30. This Isn't It

30. This Isn't Itamyselwyn

31. You Like That, Huh?

31. You Like That, Huh?Geschiltuitje

32. The Last Chop On The Same Spot

32. The Last Chop On The Same Spotelijahhenry113

33. Compliments To Tyler

33. Compliments To Tylervk2786

34. "20 Minutes Past Morning Arrival. Only Cook In The Building. Same 3 Have Called Out The Entire Week. Still Gonna Make Killer Food"

34. mactabulous

35. We Love Garlic

35. We Love Garlicthompsonm53

36. "Does My Supplier Hate Me? We Ordered 150 Lbs Of Halibut For The Weekend, We Got One 152lb. Fish. I Wanted A Few Collars Man!"

36. f**ks_equal_zero

37. Sorry, I Side With The Boomers On This One

37. Sorry, I Side With The Boomers On This Onebraidednosehair

38. Heard

38. Heardkatie-m-10315

39. Day 1 Of A New Dishie

39. Day 1 Of A New DishieFlipperN37

40. Dishwasher Language

40. Dishwasher LanguageNobodysBody7

41. We Found A New Cook

41. We Found A New Cookthegreencrv

42. "A Local Bar In A Small Beach Tourist Town I Live At Made Merch Out Of Some Bad Reviews"

42. SammyYO

43. "She's Been With Me Ten Years, Through Four Head Chefs. Today, She Clicked Her Last Clack"

43. six7five

44. Don't Report

44. Don't Reportsafewayz

45. They May Or May Not Be Obsessed With Pickles

45. They May Or May Not Be Obsessed With PicklesPedestrianMyDarling

46. This Somehow Makes Sense

46. This Somehow Makes Senseactatumonline

47. The Sheer Audacity

47. The Sheer Audacitypuzhalsta

48. "I’m On My Last Few Days At The Industrial Bakery I Manage. Our 160qt Mixer, Pete, Broke Down So We Won’t Be Able To Use It. I Did The One Thing I’ve Been Dying To Do For Years Since He Arrived"

48. maggieeeee12345

49. "Was Handed This Allergy List By A Customer. Things Went Downhill From There"

49. GravityKeepsMeDown

50. I Hate It Here

50. I Hate It Hererootinuti611

It's definitely great seeing all this content from restaurant workers who have been in the industry for so long they just can't help but spill some of the juiciest secrets and stories out. We applaud every single one of them, though, because without them—well, how else would we enjoy the feeling of eating out in restaurants?

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