If You Do These Things, Restaurant Hosts Are Secretly Judging You For It While They Seat You

Seating yourself when the sign clearly says "Please wait to be seated" is one of those things.

  • Published in Funny
If You Do These Things, Restaurant Hosts Are Secretly Judging You For It While They Seat You

Restaurants host all different kinds of people, some leave a good impression and make sure not to overcomplicate things, but some, unfortunately, make everyone's job harder with their entitled behavior. It's always a gamble because you never know how a customer will behave, but you have to go through with it no matter what.

Entitled people are everywhere, and as a service industry worker, you are pretty much forced to interact with these people, even if you don't necessarily enjoy it. These people enjoy the privileges that many businesses give them as customers, and sometimes they tend to abuse them.

Restaurant hosts are constantly making sure that everything is running smoothly in their restaurant; they put a lot of planning into their work, but it doesn't always go according to plan due to people's unpredictable behavior. It's something that you can't control, so you just wish for the best and go through with your job until the end.

Restaurants are establishments with rules and systems that keep everything running smoothly. When customers interfere with that system, things tend to go south, and restaurant employees consequentially suffer from it the most.

In case you didn't know, here are the things that restaurant hosts hate the most and wish people would stop doing:

1. If the sign clearly says: "Please wait to be seated," don't seat yourself.

There's a reason why restaurants have a host seat guests as a policy. Some tables are usually reserved or whole sections of the restaurant don't have a designated server for them.

1. If the sign clearly says: Vectorarts / Getty Images/iStockphoto

2. If you don't have a reservation, don't complain about the wait time for a table.

If you decide to rush in without a reservation in the middle of a Friday night, it's not the host's fault that you have to wait 30 mins or longer. You can always go to another restaurant if your time is too precious, but being a jerk to the host will not reduce the wait time and will only make their job harder.

2. If you don't have a reservation, don't complain about the wait time for a table.restaurant

3. Empty tables doesn't mean you don't have to wait

Everyone can clearly see the empty tables, including the host; pointing to them is not going to solve anything. A table can be empty but unavailable due to being reserved, dirty, or doesn't have a designated server.

3. Empty tables doesn't mean you don't have to waitAdobe

4. Not cancelling a reservation after a change of plans.

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes you just change plans spontaneously; there's nothing wrong with that. However, make sure to either call, email, or do any of the necessary steps to make the restaurant know that you won't be making it.

4. Not cancelling a reservation after a change of plans.carbonaraapp

5. Pretending that you know the owner to get special treatment

People actually try to pull this off, and no, it never works. So, even if you do know the owner, just wait like everyone else.

5. Pretending that you know the owner to get special treatmenttenor

6. Claiming your reservation is for a large number of people, then showing up with a few.

Make sure to confirm with all the people you invited and try to get an actual headcount before going through with the reservation.

6. Claiming your reservation is for a large number of people, then showing up with a few.Monkey Business Studio / Shutterstock

7. Expecting to be seated before the arrival of the rest of your party.

The host needs to base their decisions on the actual amount of people that showed up. It doesn't make sense to seat eight people at a table meant for fifteen.

7. Expecting to be seated before the arrival of the rest of your party.Tom Werner / Getty Images

8. Rushing with ordering from the host while being seated instead of waiting for a server to come to you.

We all know what it's like to be really hungry and impatient, but orders don't go through the host. They have their own duties, and sometimes they are not trained to perform that task (inputting the order into the system). All you have to do is wait.

8. Rushing with ordering from the host while being seated instead of waiting for a server to come to you.modaseating

9. Rearranging the tables to your liking without asking for permission.

Only the host can make that decision; everything is usually well planned, and taking one thing out of the equation can disturb the restaurant's system. It's fine to simply ask and everything will do done properly.

9. Rearranging the tables to your liking without asking for permission.Richard Varr

10. Expecting the host to move a group from your favorite table so you have it.

People actually do this and no one in their right mind would expect the host to actually do it.

10. Expecting the host to move a group from your favorite table so you have it.Littlecitylifestylephotography / Getty Images

11. Switching tables without asking first.

If you see a table that you like more than the one you are already sitting in, there's no harm in asking first. The table might already be reserved, or the waitress might get confused as to where your new table is.

11. Switching tables without asking first.flavorsofparis

12. Cutting in line to get ahead of other customers.

That includes bribery, sweet talk, violence, or even threatening with a bad review on Yelp. No matter what your tactic is just, don't do it. Show respect to the establishment and others, and wait for your turn.

12. Cutting in line to get ahead of other customers.Christopher DeLorenzo

13. Disregarding "RESERVED" signs on tables.

It's there for a reason that you completely ignored.

13. Disregarding Epoxydude / Getty Images/fStop

14. Leaving the restaurant without notifying anyone about it.

Unless the restaurant has any means of contacting you when your table is ready, you have to be around to hear the host calling out your name. If you go anywhere for whatever reason, the person behind you goes next.

14. Leaving the restaurant without notifying anyone about it.istockphoto

15. Not making a reservation before showing up with a big group.

Accommodating big groups is something hosts are used to doing. However, they need a little notice beforehand. Such events require a lot of preparation like arranging tables or even calling in extra staff.

15. Not making a reservation before showing up with a big group.upserve

16. Showing up last minute before the restaurant closes.

Showing up 5 minutes before the restaurant closes and expecting a table is a big dick move. The host might have no other choice but to seat you due to restaurant policy, but everyone involved will not feel good about it.

16. Showing up last minute before the restaurant closes.Vladimir Vladimirov / Getty Images

17. Just because you're a regular, don't expect special treatment.

As long as they are respectful, regulars are greatly appreciated. But not when they act like they own the place and are rude to the staff.

17. Just because you're a regular, don't expect special treatment.tenor

The moral of the story is just be a decent human being and don't make people's jobs harder with your entitled behavior. Your actions have a lasting effect on people; make sure to leave a positive impression whenever you interact with anyone.
